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Isolate Yourself from Others

Isolate Yourself from Others

Toxic people and toxic times can rob you of your inner peace. It may be a good idea to isolate yourself from others for a while and experience a therapeutic distancing to get your head together.


Temporarily removing yourself from the action can help you find solutions to what and who are bugging you. It’s not being mean and it doesn’t have to be permanent. Consider it a way to deal with ongoing stress that’s keeping you in constant chaos.


News and violent shows on television often cause stress that you can carry with you to work and in relationships and can even interrupt your sleep. Take a break from these toxic elements in your life from time to time and get back to what is beautiful in life.


Take a walk (sans cell phone) to enjoy the beauty of nature and concentrate on the peace surrounding you. Playing with a pet or children can also be a therapeutic distraction from all the chaos going on in your life and give you a new outlook on what life is really all about.


Clear your mind by engrossing yourself in a hobby or activity that makes you happy and helps you feel a sense of accomplishment. Let your mind wander and get away from the chaos of everyday life to concentrate on something beautiful and lasting.


If you can afford a trip, it can be a great mind and body booster to book yourself into a resort or other place where you can indulge yourself in everything that makes you happy – without having to answer to anyone.


Find a quiet place and try to spend a day there if you can’t afford an alone trip. It’s okay to tell your family and friends that you’re going to spend a day in your room just chilling and reenergizing.


You can’t always avoid toxic people in your life. You may have a boss or supervisor you despise and who makes you cringe when he or she is around and that can affect your productivity and your attitude towards the entire job.


Others, such as a long-time friend or family member can usually be avoided, but that may cause another type of stress if the person is offended. No matter what the other person thinks of your brief hiatus, it’s important that you take the time needed to de-stress for peace of mind and your health, both mental and physical.


Needing to stay in contact with an elderly person who is draining you with complaints and neediness might be solved by isolating yourself from her or him physically, but limiting your involvement to texting if you can.


Often, people will nag and become even needier if they sense you’re stepping back. This is when consistency needs to come into play. Rather than sending mixed messages, be kind, but clear about how you need some time for yourself and stick to it.


Yo-yoing back and forth because you feel guilty and he or she feels a sense of abandonment doesn’t relieve the stress in your life, but only makes it worse. At the end of the day, you both may grow and become more independent from the experience.


Isolating yourself from others for your mental and physical health doesn’t always have to mean going into solitude. There may be other people in your daily life who are consistent up-lifters and have the ability to make you laugh and feel good about yourself.


Getting together for games such as volleyball, bridge or simply a day out with friends can help to isolate from the stressful goings-on in your life and make you aware of the truly great friendships and camaraderie you have elsewhere in your life.


Some people just enjoy living in chaos and they can pass it on to you if you don’t take a stance. Rather than engaging in the unnecessary chatter and button-pushing with these people, take a step back and view it as a disinterested third party.


Getting involved in the fray that chaos causes, you can approach the situation with a more rational viewpoint and stand more of a chance of convincing others that your ideas are best and most well thought out.


You can also remove yourself from toxic people by simply not participating in the garble. If you normally get caught up in conversations about politics or office gossip, try to keep from being sucked into the fray by turning away or inventing an important event you have to attend.


Energy vampires abound. They can be people or things (like the computer or television). These energy-drainers can be needy, chaotic or addictive and they can drain us with their neediness, chaotic lifestyle and other behavior that sucks your energy dry if you let them.


While you can’t always steer clear of these people, you can try to limit your interactions with them. If you deem these relationships or things too expensive for your well-being, you may need to find a way to move on.


The most important thing is that you look out for your own emotional health and that means limiting the time you spend with these energy vampires. We’re all in constant states of changing and sometimes it’s best to distance yourself from some people and circumstances that no longer work.

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