Video Vignettes - Set 2 (35 Videos)
You will not find videos like these any anywhere else, for the simple reason that no one else is making them. They are uniquely ours. And they can be yours as well.
What are they? They are short, thought provoking videos that are paired with the great wisdom of renowned writers to provide you with insight and inspiration as you go about your day.
And let me tell you, they are solid gold magnets when it comes to racking up social media likes and shares, particularly on Pinterest and Instagram! I'm talking thousands of responses in a single day.
Because they are so popular, I'm going to be limiting the number of sales, as part of their popularity stems from their originality. So... if you are interested, I suggest you grab a bundle while they are still hot off the presses.
This is SET 2 of 4 sets I have recently released. It includes 34 vignettes. You can watch them all here.
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You will INSTANTLY receive a PDF document containing the download information you will need. No confusion, no delay, no time limit on when you need to download.
As always, we want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. If you are not, for any reason, please let us know. We have no problem with refunds. Our goal is to make you happy!