Setting Up Your Survival Seed Bank
Some people avoid reading or watching the news because they don’t like what’s going on in the world. But avoidance can’t stop what’s coming because you can’t control the things that affect the world’s food supply.
There’s an impending sense that a major food crisis is on the way and the government is trying to prepare right now for that crisis. But if you know anything about how the world is run, then you know that if you’re not the one in charge of your family’s food supply, you and your loved ones could very well end up standing in a ration line or worse - going hungry.
Why You Need to Have a Survival Seed Bank
Far too many people have the mistaken belief that if something bad does happen that interrupts their access to food supplies, the government will have a backup plan to save their family.
When millions upon millions of people rely on the same belief that there will be enough to go around, they’re going to end up disillusioned. There won’t be. The government isn’t going to be prepared for any major food crisis.
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