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Prescription Discount Cards PLR Content

Prescription Discount Cards PLR Content

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Discount Prescription Cards

Every time you pay for medication at the pharmacy, you discover anew just how expensive a prescription can be. Since you need whatever medication your doctor prescribes, it’s not like you can just say no. 

Fortunately, there is some financial relief available in the form of discount prescription cards and you can get these cards whether you have health insurance or not. Every time you get a prescription filled, there’s a part of that cost that your insurance company pays for (in most cases) and then you’re left to pay the balance. 

That balance can range from a few dollars for a copay to paying for the majority of the prescription. Some medications aren’t covered at all if they’re outside the guidelines of what the insurance company says they’ll pay for. 

For example, an insurance company might pay for some lower cost medications for GERD but not for others that cost more even if your doctor says you need the one that costs more. 

So what discount prescription cards do is they fill in the gap left by your insurance company and in some cases, they can even pay the majority of the medication. You can get big savings by using these cards provided that you follow the rules laid out by the discount card. 

Some of the cards will give huge savings specifically for a new prescription but not on an existing prescription of the same medication so you have to know what the rules state. Some of the cards are only good for a certain amount of uses-usually for six months to a year on a certain medication so you have to know the time limit so you can maximize the discounts offered. 

Usually, anyone can use these cards - but some of them have tighter limits, such as by disease like diabetes because they’ll pay a portion of testing strips and lancets. Other cards will be limited by your gross income or your net income and some will be limited to those of a certain age such as over 55. 

For those who struggle to make ends meet, or for those with chronic illnesses, being eligible for some of these cards can make a huge difference. If you need help paying for your prescriptions, using discount prescription cards can help pick up the slack. 

One popular discount card offered medication that cost $300 out of pocket for only $5, so you can see the potential savings are substantial. You can find these cards online or through organizations. 

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