Is Your Belly Fat Killing You?
In your quest to lose weight and get rid of your own unattractive belly fat, you may have a tendency to people watch and notice others who are overweight. Maybe it's because you can sympathize with how they're feeling and how they look - tired!
Even the act of walking is a monumental effort, especially in the summer months of the year when the heat works to drain a body.
Belly fat has quite a few nicknames. Jelly Belly. Muffin Top. Spare Tire. Santa Belly. Beer Belly. We've heard the derogatory terms and know exactly what they mean. Sometimes, we try to give belly fat kinder, gentler names.
Some doctors even refer to belly fat as the apple shape, which doesn't sound all that bad. But whether derogatory or a softer label, they all mean the same thing - too much fat around the middle of the body that either sticks out noticeably or flops down over our belts.
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