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Gardening Graphics Bundle

Gardening Graphics Bundle

Gardening Graphics Bundles - PowerPoint, Slide and PDF Presentations. 


This is a stunning selection of gardening themed graphics, categorized by topic. If you have an interest in plants and flowers or operate a business in the evergreen gardening niche, you simply can’t go wrong with this premium collection of royalty free images.


Here’s what you will get:


  • The complete image collection in PowerPoint, PDF and .JPG/PNG. format 
  • All of the graphics sorted into 13 themed categories, each containing 8-12 diagrams
  • Private label rights to all of the pictorial content within the collection
  • A PDF viral sales presentation that will help you to share and show the pictorial content
  • The unique ability to instantly profit off of this graphics bundle on social media within minutes. 


You can preview some of the content in this exclusive Gardening Graphics Bundle by clicking on the thumbnails above. Or, you can view the complete PDF presentation.


  • Once you purchase...

    You will INSTANTLY receive a zipped file containing all your products and content. No confusion, no delay. If you need an unzipping utility you can download Winzip for free at

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