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Video Marketing in Spite of Self Doubt


Video Marketing in Spite of Self Doubt

One of the scariest and most dreaded tasks you may encounter as an online marketer is that of video marketing. Say the words and instantly, hundreds of men and women will retreat into their cave of self-doubt.

But it doesn’t have to strike fear in your heart. In fact, it’s one of the easiest and most fun ways to get your message across, once you get out of your own way and start enjoying it.

Has Self Doubt Prevented You from Embracing Video?

Video marketing is basically, using video for the purpose of promoting your business in any way, shape or form. It might be using video to blog, commonly known as vlogging. Or it might be using video sales letters or video for viral, traffic purposes.

It’s a common thing to want to avoid when you’re already unsure about what you’re doing in the online marketing industry. It’s bad enough to put your name out there, but adding your voice and face to the mix almost seems like too much for some people to handle.

You might even prefer text yourself for consumption of ideas – but make no mistake about it – the vast majority of online consumers are now turning to video to get the answers they crave.

Everything from product recommendations to tutorials and advice are now streamed into their world through the use of videos, and it’s a viable media format for almost every niche you can think of.

You’re probably seeing all (or most) of your competitors employing the use of video marketing. You’re sitting on the sidelines wishing you had the confidence to do it, too – but you don’t.

The people using it for video blogs are combining text and video to reach more people – those who have a preference for text, and those who don’t. The marketers using it for product creation are making their products stand out among the crowd of competitors.

Some are even live streaming their insight on places like Facebook – building even more leverage with the community because they’re reachable, consistent and cutting edge.

So, you have to make a decision that you’ll begin video marketing in spite of your self-doubt. It’s one of the best things you can do to not only reach your audience, but also build your self-confidence with online marketing.

What About Video Scares You the Most?

Let’s dig into your fears and uncover the root of your self-doubt. Because most likely, it’s just all in your head and not anything to truly impact your use of it. The first would be your worry about the technology.

Video marketing can seem intimidating when you start thinking of editing software and intro-exit designs, embedding code and more. But really, take it a little slower and you’ll see that it’s not all that hard.

Video doesn’t have to be edited. In fact, it’s often better if it’s the raw version that shows you being human and unfiltered. So, turn on your smart phone, hit record on your video camera, and start filming!

You can use free platforms like YouTube or pay for access to a site like Vimeo and host your videos there. Embedding is as easy as clicking the share button, copying the code that’s readymade for you, and pasting it in your blog!

As you level up, you can learn new skills. For example, you might want to learn how people get their cursor to have that highlighted yellow circle effect. All you have to do is Google the question and there will be tons of video tutorials walking you through it!

What if your self-doubt doesn’t stem from the technology at all, but from something deeper, like worrying that you won’t know what to say and will appear stupid? That’s easy to fix!

Jot down a few simple word or phrase reminders that you keep off to the side to keep your mind on track. That way, when you finish one thought, you can move on to the next without hesitation.

Are you doubting your ability to produce a professional looking video? After all, the big gurus have green screens and special lamps or their productions. The most you really have to worry about is making sure your background isn’t messy.

No one wants to learn from someone who has piles of dirty laundry or dishes stacking up behind them. And it’s best to have minimal distractions or noise in the background, too.

Many people stall out when it comes to video marketing because they look in the mirror and think, “Nobody wants to see me on camera.” That’s a sad thing to say, isn’t it? Ask yourself a question.

When you learn about how to build a blog, do you refuse to learn from someone because they’re going bald, or have a crooked tooth or a nose that’s slightly too big? No, you don’t – because you’re not looking to date the person, you’re looking to learn from them.

People appreciate someone helping them learn the solutions to their problems, and they don’t care about your appearance – or the sound of your voice. They care about whether or not you’ll be able to help them.

Take It Slow to Eliminate Self Doubt

Self-doubt comes on strong the faster you go. So sometimes it’s best to take it slow and implement something like video marketing in baby steps. Let’s look at a few ways you can slow down the process and eliminate self-doubt along the way.

First, you can start by making private videos. This might sound counter-intuitive, but you need time to get used to the recording process. So, record your videos as if someone really will be watching them, and then upload them to your video hosting platform and watch them back as a viewer.

Work out all of the kinks ahead of time – before your videos go public. For example, you might realize that your lighting is too dark, or that you can’t hear your voice very well. Maybe you see that you’re not looking at the camera lens, but at yourself in the video as you record.

These are all things you can fix before putting yourself out there. So, upload, and then password-protect the video so that only you can view the video. If you happen to be happy with your production, edit the settings and make it live for the public.

Another way to curb self-doubt is to start small and work up to larger videos. A small video might be under three minutes. Then go longer to five, then 10 and later half an hour.

Start with videos where you’re sharing information for free. Nothing puts unnecessary pressure on you more than charging money for something you aren’t sure is any good. So, get comfortable creating free videos first.

Then, as your skills and confidence improve, consider creating video courses or adding video to your sales copy for better conversions. This eases you into the process without any anxiety at all.

When it comes to the information you’re sharing in your videos, some people have a tendency to want to blurt out a million different things in one video. But there’s a better, more effective way to handle it.

Pick one nugget of information at a time and make a video about it. One good tip. One excellent product review. Later, if you want to, you can move up to comparison videos such as “Nike or Adidas Shoes?” or multiple tip videos like “3 Good Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog.”

Put Your Best Foot Forward

If appearances are really concerning you, making you doubt your ability to be a video marketer, then let’s look at how you can lessen your self-doubt in that area. First, take time to properly fix your hair and makeup (if you wear it).

You don’t have to get a professional blow out or go to the salon. Just comb or brush it neatly and look just as you would look if you were going on a job interview, for example. Don’t worry if you’re not resembling a model – few marketers in this business actually do.

Second, don some clothes that make you feel good about yourself. All they’ll be seeing is from the torso and up, so don’t worry about dressing to the nines. All you need is a good shirt or blouse.

Depending on the message you want to present, you could even wear a t-shirt if you wanted – just make sure it’s clean and presentable, not stained with food drippings or torn at the edge.

Your videos should be created so that it looks almost as if you’re sitting across the table from someone (the viewer) at a café, having lunch. When people tell you they feel connected to you from your videos – like they’re having lunch with an old friend – you’ll know you’re doing it right.

You should never make the common mistake of holding the video in your hand up close. No one wants to view a close-up facial shot. The video should have you sitting back so that your shoulders are showing along with your head.

Steady the camera by propping it up or using a stand for it. If you hold it, then not only will you probably look too close, but the video will be slightly shaky from your hand and not as smooth as you want it to be for those watching.

Aside from your own appearance, it’s important that you set your mind at ease when making videos by ensuring the room around you is pleasant. Instead of relying on fancy lamps, use natural sunlight.

Open the blinds or shades and watch the room fill with the best lighting for your videos. If it’s too dark still, then strategically place small lamps from your home around the room until you achieve the look you want.

If the space behind you is cluttered, consider either recording against a blank wall or investing in an affordable backdrop. You can order beautiful room dividers off Amazon that give your videos a nice, professional appearance.

Just make sure everything looks tidy – and that your family isn’t running around in the background causing a distraction to the viewers. As you level up with a paid video course, make sure you do everything you can to improve the aesthetic quality of your recordings.

Learn How to Level Up and Build Confidence

Video marketing success comes with practice. Aside from repeatedly engaging in video, which will put you at ease over time, you can find other ways to improve your confidence with this media format.

First, watch other marketers to see how they do video. Are they relaxed and laughing, or are they speaking like a paid, professional commercial? Know your goals before you begin recording.

How long are the videos in your niche by your competitors? If they’re seeing a ton of engagement from 3–5-minute videos and you’re not seeing any on 10-15 minutes, then it’s an indicator that it’s not about length, but quality that matters.

Are some people doing videos on location, instead of at home in their office? For example, let’s say you’ve decided to enter the fitness niche. You might start out giving great advice via video from your home office.

But then you hit a wall and engagement and subscribers goes stagnant. One way you can improve is to see what other fitness niche video marketers are doing. You might see that they’re filming on location in the gym.

This is a good way to copy someone else’s success. You’re not hijacking their message, but finding out what the niche demographic prefers when it comes to learning styles.

Another way you can put self-doubt to rest is to take the easy route and simply ask fellow marketers and trusted online friends for some feedback. Be prepared to accept it and not get offended.

They might tell you they can’t understand you – that you’re mumbling. Or maybe they’ll say you need better lighting or more energy as you use video. But they also might say it’s fantastic and you shouldn’t change a thing!

One of the last things you can do to improve your hesitation in using video is to learn how to use good video editing software. You can create a professional intro to your recording, or edit out mistakes as you go.


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