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Turning PLR Articles Into Rebrandable Tools for Affiliates


Now here’s another idea: use your PLR articles to create rebrandable tools that affiliates can use to sell your products.

For example, you might compile multiple articles to create a report that’s highly related to your product. You then let affiliates insert their affiliate link into this report and distribute it to their prospects. Whenever someone buys from the link in the report, both you and the affiliate make money.

Affiliates love tools like this, because it gives them an opportunity to make money by giving away valuable content. And you’ll love this strategy too, especially since it’s so quick and easy to create your rebrandable tools by using PLR articles.

So, how do you put this strategy to work in your business? That’s what you’re about to learn over the next several pages. Take a look…


If you have an affiliate program, then you know one of the keys to a successful program is to provide tools for your affiliates to use to make sales. Fortunately, you don’t need to create all these tools from scratch. Instead, you can use PLR content to create by using the following steps:

Step 1: Decide What Tools to Create

Step 2: Determine What PLR Articles to Use

Step 3: Develop Your Tools

Now let’s take a look at each of these steps in more detail…

Step 1: Decide What Tools to Create

The first thing you need to do is figure out what tools you want to give to your affiliates for rebranding and distribution.

NOTE: It’s a good ideal to offer your affiliates multiple tools. Your job is to make it easy for affiliates to promote your products. And nothing is easier for affiliates than offering them a full suite of content to distribute.

In most cases, you’ll need to create your direct-response advertisements yourself (from scratch). However, if you’re creating content designed to presell your offer, then you can certainly use PLR content to create it. Check out these ideas:

· Rebrandable report. Here you can compile multiple PLR articles to create a useful yet incomplete report which naturally leads to the sale of your product.

· Blog articles. In many cases you can use your PLR articles almost exactly as-is. Just lightly tweak them to match your voice, add a call to action, and let affiliates insert their links and distribute on their blogs.

· Emails. You can use the same content for your emails as you do for your blog articles. Of course you’ll need to make some changes, such as formatting the email into more of a letter (with a salutation, close and a postscript). You may also format the email with shorter paragraphs just to make it more readable.

· Article series. This is something that affiliates can post either on their blog, on their social media platforms, or they can upload the content to their autoresponder. For example, you might create a three-part series of “secrets” or “tips” to help your affiliates sell your product.

· Tools. The idea here is to create useful tools like checklists, worksheets, planners, cheat sheets and more. Affiliates can then rebrand these tools with their affiliate links and distribute them to their prospects. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss guide, you can offer your affiliates a set of meal plans to distribute.

· Social media blurbs. While you can certainly post articles on social media, in most cases you’ll want to post shorter pieces of content that readers can consume quickly. For example, you might offer short tips or even infographics.

· Videos. You can use PLR articles to create the text for a slide-share video. Just be sure you don’t specifically mention a link within the video (since a video isn’t easily rebranded). Instead, direct viewers to look for the link on the same page as the video.

As mentioned, what you’ll want to do is create a full suite of tools for your affiliates to use, so you may decide to create all the tools mentioned above. However, this doesn’t mean you need to create them all at once. As such, you’ll want to prioritize which ones to create first, start with those, and add additional tools to your affiliate center over time.

For example, you might prioritize a set of three blog articles, a set of three emails (which can be the same as the blog articles, just formatted differently), and a rebrandable report.

Once you decide what to create, then move onto the next step…

Step 2: Determine What PLR Articles to Use

Now that you know what tools you want to create, the next thing to do is choose the PLR articles you’ll use to create them.

TIP: As always, if you’re purchasing PLR articles for this purpose, then be sure to choose articles from a reputable vendor. In short, do your due diligence before purchasing content.

First off, as always, you’re going to look for articles that are written well and factually accurate. That’s a given.

Secondly, you’ll look for articles that suit your purpose. Here’s what to look for:

· The content is highly related (and naturally leads) to your paid offer. For example, if you’re selling a dog-training guide, then putting together a report with 17 tips for creating a better-behaved dog is useful, yet incomplete (meaning it leads to the paid offer).

· An article series or compilation flows well together. If you want a set of articles to work well together (as is the case if you compile multiple articles to create a report), then you need to be sure they’ll flow well together with minimal tweaking.

In other words, look for articles that you can use to create your tools with minimal effort.

Now, while you want as little tweaking as possible, you will need to do some modifications. That’s what is next…

Step 3: Develop Your Tools

The types of modifications you need to complete obviously depend on the types of tools you’re creating. Let’s quickly go through the mods you’ll need to make on the top tools: articles (or emails) and a rebrandable report.

Rebrandable Report

In order to create a report, you’ll need to compile multiple articles. A good guideline is to figure on compiling around 10 articles, which puts you at about 5000 words (if the articles average 500 words). Your report may be shorter (perhaps 2500 to 3000 words) or longer depending on your needs.

Generally, what you’ll want to look for are packages of articles sold by the same PLR vendor.

These article packs are usually sold in bundles of ten. And what’s more, oftentimes the vendor will ensure all of the articles are highly related and on the same general topic, which makes it easy for you to compile them into a report.

For example, a pack of 10 online marketing articles may share 10 different traffic-generation strategies (such as guest blogging, social media marketing, pay per click ads and more). This would be a great pack of articles to compile to create a report that sells a traffic-generation course on the backend.

Keep these tips in mind:

· Create a new introduction and conclusion for the entire report. The introduction should build anticipation for what the reader will discover inside the report. The conclusion should recap the highlights, as well as provide a call to action and rebrandable link for your product.

· Craft transitions between articles. Point is, your articles need to flow smoothly and read as one report. Generally, this means deleting the existing introductions and conclusions, and instead creating transitions between articles.

E.G., “Now that you know how use Google AdWords to drive targeted traffic to your site, let’s turn our attention to guest blogging. Read on…”

· Choose articles that are consistent with your product. In other words, the information in the articles should agree with the information in your paid product.

For example, if you’re selling a dieting guide, then make sure the advice in the articles match what you’ve shared in the guide. For instance, if your guide suggests high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for cardio but the articles suggest steady-state cardio, then you’ll need to tweak the articles to match the product.

Once you’ve created your report using the tips above, then create a new title for it. For example, “The Seven Secrets of Rapid Weight Loss.”

TIP: Ideally, you should also create professional ecover graphics so that your affiliates have a way to promote the free report.

Now let’s look at the next set of tools…

Articles or Emails

As mentioned, you can use almost the same content for blog articles as you do for emails. Here are the differences:

· Emails are formatted like letters. You’ll start with something like a “Hi, [Name]” greeting, and end with a placeholder where affiliates can sign their names. You’ll also include a P.S. (postscript) at the end of each email.

· Emails need subject lines. Your subject lines may be the title of the articles, if they’re short enough. As such, you may need to tighten up titles in order to use them as subject lines.

So, here’s the point: you can take a blog article and simply add a subject line and change the formatting at the beginning and end to make it look like a letter. Otherwise, the content can basically be the same as a blog article. Thus, you can create these two tools from the same content with very little effort.

While you can certainly offer standalone articles or emails to your affiliates, you’ll also want to offer at least one article series (with at least three articles or emails in the series). That’s because a series boosts conversion rates over a standalone article. As such, it’s a good idea to again look for article packs so that you can turn three or more articles into a congruent series.

For example, let’s suppose you’re selling an organic gardening guide. You might create a five-part series called, “The Five Gardening Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make.” Each email or article contains one mistake and how to avoid it (e.g., “Mistake 1: Ignoring Aphids”). Each email or article then points to the paid offer as a way for the reader to solve their problems.

In sum, you can see that it’s quite easy to turn PLR articles into valuable assets that your affiliates can use to sell your products. Now that you have the basics down, check out the next section…


Are you ready to make the most of this PLR strategy? Then check out these seven tips for maximizing this profitable strategy…

Automate the Rebranding Process

Some marketers create rebrandable reports and other tools for their affiliates, and then they do the rebranding by hand. This is entirely too time-consuming, especially if you have a big affiliate team. That’s why you’ll want to automate this process.

One way to automate this process is to use a rebranding tool, which works particular well when you’re creating reports and packaging them as PDFs. For example, you can let your affiliates put a promo for their own site at the front of the report, and then change all links in the report to their own affiliate links.

TIP: To find a rebrander, search Google for “PDF rebrander.”

The second way to do this is to simply give your affiliates the source files and let them rebrand the content themselves. Here you do run the risk of someone changing more of the content than just their affiliate links. However, this tends to be a relatively rare problem. And if it does happen, your first step may be to kick the affiliate out of your affiliate program.

Accept Requests From Your Affiliates

From time to time, reach out to your affiliates and ask them what sort of content they need to help them promote your products. Then follow up on the good suggestions and make it happen.

For example, if someone tells you that they want Twitter posts, then extract short tips out of PLR articles to create copy-and-paste social media blurbs.

Give Affiliates Everything They Need

Let’s suppose you’re creating a rebrandable report for your affiliates to use. Many of your affiliates are simply going to give this report away to their existing audiences. However, some will want to use the report as a lead magnet. And you can help by giving them what they need to make this strategy a success. For example:

· Provide a lead page, complete with sales copy and graphics.

· Offer a follow-up email series that affiliates can use to close the sale.

Point is, the easier you make it for affiliates to create sales for you, the more sales you’ll both enjoy.

Create New Materials Regularly

Some marketers fill their affiliate center with content once and then figure they’re done. That’s a mistake. If you want to keep your affiliates motivated and promoting, then you should be sending them fresh content to use on a regular basis (e.g., monthly). As such, you’ll want to keep an eye out for new PLR content that you can use to create additional affiliate tools, including reports, articles, emails, infographics and videos.


Present Professional End Products

Your affiliates aren’t going to use your tools if they don’t look professional. That’s why you’ll want to be sure to proof them, as well as provide professional graphics (where applicable) to make a great impression. If you can’t do these things yourself, then hire a freelancer to do them for you.

Use PLR Content to Send Emails

Another way to keep your affiliates motivated and promoting is to touch base with them frequently (at least weekly) via email. Inside these weekly emails you can do the following:

· Provide motivational stories of other affiliates who are doing well with your affiliate program.

· Distribute coupons for affiliates to use.

· Announce affiliate contests.

· Link to new marketing materials affiliates can use to generate sales.

· Provide training for new affiliates to help them make more sales.

The good news is that you don’t need to create all this content from scratch, especially the training. Instead, you can acquire the private label rights to good content on the topic of affiliate marketing, and then use this content to create reports and articles to train your affiliates.

Make Your Content Unique

It’s true, you can often use PLR articles almost “as is” to create blog articles and emails for your affiliates. However, this strategy is even more powerful if you tweak the content to make it unique.

This includes:

· Adding in your own personal experiences and stories.

· Sharing unique tips and examples.

· Rewriting the content to match your writing voice.

Now let’s wrap things up…


You just learned how to turn PLR articles into marketing tools that your affiliates can use to generate

more sales. Here’s a quick recap of the steps:

Step 1: Decide What Tools to Create.

Step 2: Determine What PLR Articles to Use.

Step 3: Develop Your Tools

You can use these steps to create a variety of tools, including articles, emails, reports, slide-share videos and more.

So, what’s the final step? Just this: take action. Because the sooner you create these tools for your affiliates, the sooner your affiliates can use them to create sales for you!


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