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Turning PLR Articles Into A Bonus Package


Want to put your PLR articles to work for you? Then try this strategy: create a bonus package of the content. In turn, this will encourage your prospects to take action, which is really beneficial for you.

Now, you might be thinking that a bonus product or package is a great way to boost conversions on sales of a product. And that’s true: that is one really good way to use a bonus package created out of PLR articles. But by no means is that the only way to use bonuses to grow your business.

Take a look at these ideas:

· Boost sales of an offer (as mentioned above).

· Get more people taking advantage of an upsell product.

· Improve member retention by offering membership bonuses (including ongoing bonuses as well as “graduation” bonuses for training-based sites).

· Increase webinar attendance by offering a bonus.

· Get more subscribers by offering a bonus on your lead page.

· Boost customer satisfaction by offering an unadvertised bonus that you send to customers after they complete their purchase.

· Give customers a bonus if they purchase a product through your affiliate link.

· Offer your best affiliates the opportunity to give their prospects an exclusive bonus.

· Provide a fast-action bonus, which works especially well during product launches.

So, while most people think of simply offering a bonus alongside their product, you can see that there are plenty of other ways to use bonuses to grow your business. And when you use PLR articles to create these bonuses, you can make them faster and easier than ever.

Which brings us to the step-by-step tutorial…


Now it’s time to get to the nuts and bolts of this strategy. Here’s a quick overview of the steps you’ll be learning about over the next several pages:

· Step 1: Select Your Bonus Strategy

· Step 2: Search for Suitable PLR Content

· Step 3: Structure Your Bonus

Let’s walk through the details of each of these steps…

Step 1: Select Your Bonus Strategy

Before you can even think about creating a bonus using PLR articles, you need to decide how you’ll use this bonus. Refer back to the list above for ideas of ways to use bonuses. Keep in mind, these aren’t the only ways to use a bonus. For example:

· Offer members of your target market a bonus for filling out a survey or providing other feedback.

· Give prospects a bonus if they share your content on social media or elsewhere.

· Provide a bonus gift to people who request a free quote or other information from you.

· Offer a loyalty bonus to customers who purchase a certain number of products from you within a certain timeframe.

· Offer a referral bonus to customers who refer their friends to you. You can also offer these referrals a bonus once they become cash-paying customers (or take some other action).

The ideas we’ve listed are by no means an exhaustive list. Here’s the point: if there is some action that you want your prospects and customers to take, you can increase the chances of them taking that action if you offer a valuable bonus.

Now that you have plenty of good ideas from the list above as well as the list in the previous section, it’s time for you to determine your bonus strategy. Go ahead and decide what you intend to do with your bonus (or bonus package), and then move onto the next step…

Step 2: Search for Suitable PLR Content

Now that you know the goal of your bonus, you need to decide what PLR articles will best suit your purpose.

TIP: As always, be sure to pick factually accurate and well-written PLR articles from a reputable PLR vendor. The kind of content you find at

Here are a few points for you to consider as you put your bonus package together…

Create a Bonus That Complements the Main Offer

If you’re using a bonus to help drum up sales for a product, then put together a bonus package that enhances the use or enjoyment of the main offer. This means providing needed information not found in the main product, or even providing tools to help the customer achieve a goal or complete a process.

Let’s suppose you’re selling a diet guide. Here are examples of bonuses that would complement the guide:

· A set of meal plans, grocery lists and select recipes.

· A low-calorie cookbook with meals the whole family will love.

· An exercise guide that provides routines and more information about the best ways to exercise to lose weight.

· An exercise library that complements the exercise guide.

· A report about getting and staying motivated to lose the weight.

· A worksheet that dieters can use to figure out how much they should eat per day in order to lose one or two pounds per week.

· A tips video that shows people how to avoid (or conquer) the dreaded weight-loss plateau.

Or, alternatively, you could put together a bonus package that includes all the bonuses listed above. It just depends on what you’re selling.

For example, if you’re selling a $7 diet guide, then you’ll just cheapen the offer by heaping all those bonuses onto the offer. On the other hand, if you’re selling a $97 product, then creating a bonus package with a lot of accessories (like those in the example above) would be perfectly fine.

Here’s another example: let’s suppose you’re selling membership into a fixed-term membership site that teaches people who to start an online business. The training lasts for six months. You might offer monthly bonuses, such as tools or reports to go along with each month’s lesson.

For example, if a particular monthly lesson teaches people how to budget for their business, then you might offer tools such as a budgeting worksheet. You might also offer a report that shows people different ways to raise the funds they need to launch their business.

So, the point is, be sure your bonus is a good fit with your main product. Indeed, the bonus should help people take action.

Consider Bonuses for Free Products

When most people think of bonuses, they think of free gifts alongside paid offers. However, you can also use bonuses alongside free offers too. For example, offer a bonus to anyone who takes advantage of your lead magnet.

Decide What to Sell From Within Your Bonus

If you create a good bonus, you’re going to have plenty of prospects and customers referring to your bonus multiple times. That’s a good thing, as that sort of repeat exposure helps you sell a backend offer that you embed in your bonus.

The key to a good backend offer is to promote something that’s highly related to the bonus. This could be your own offer, or it could be an affiliate offer. For example, if your bonus is a low-calorie cookbook, then you might sell “Volume 2” of that cookbook on the backend.

Now let’s move onto the next step…

Step 3: Structure Your Bonus

Now that you’ve decided on your bonus strategy and selected the appropriate content for it, your next step is to convert your PLR articles into your bonus product. Keep these tips in mind…

Be Sure the Articles Match the Main Product

If you’re offering a bonus alongside your own product, then you need to make sure they bonus and main offer match. Specifically:

· Do the bonuses match the “writing voice” of the main product? For example, if there are certain catch phrases you tend to use, or if you format content in a certain way, then be sure the PLR articles look similar. (Obviously, this isn’t an issue if you’re using a bonus to sell an affiliate product, as the bonus and main offer are created by two different people.)

· Does the content in the bonus match the advice in the main product? In other words, be sure you’re offering consistent advice throughout the bonuses and main offers.


Create Something Unique

As always, any strategy with PLR articles is more powerful if you can create something unique. In other words, don’t just use the PLR articles directly out of the virtual box as bonuses. Instead, make them unique by following these tips:

· Compile multiple articles to create something new. For example, you can compile five articles to create a report. Naturally, you’ll need to tweak the content so that the articles smoothly flow together.

· Pull excerpts out of articles. Instead of compiling entire articles, you might compile bits and pieces from multiple articles. For example, you might pull a paragraph or two out of ten different articles to create an entirely new piece of content.

· Expand on content. For example, let’s suppose you have a PLR article that lists 10 tips. You can expand on these tips to turn the article into a short, yet unique report.

TIP: Don’t want to do this yourself? You can hire a freelance writer to make these modifications for you. Search for “freelance writer” in Google, or post a project on a freelancing site such as,, or

· Create something new out of the PLR articles. For example, you can turn a set of articles into an ecourse that you deliver in multiple pieces over time. Or you might turn one or more articles into a slide-share video.

Now that you know how to create bonuses out of PLR articles, let’s kick things up a notch. Check out the next section…


You know the basics of this strategy. Now check out these tips for making the most of your bonus strategy. Read on…

Attach a Realistic Value

One mistake that a lot of marketers make is to attach some fantasy value to their bonuses. For example, “This bonus is worth $1500, but it’s yours free when you order now!” And then they present a bonus that’s worth about fifty bucks.

Here’s the thing…

Your prospects can see right through this strategy. If you’ve greatly inflated the value of your bonuses, your prospects are going to know it. And they’re going to lose some trust in you. That’s why you’ll want to attach a realistic value to your bonuses. Figure out how much your market would pay for your bonus if it were a standalone product, and then use that use that price when you’re valuing your bonuses.

Create Scarcity With Bonuses

One of the keys to boosting conversions is to create scarcity. In most cases, however, you don’t want to limit the number of products you sell. Nor do you always want to be running sales, as people won’t pay full price.

So, here’s an idea: create scarcity by offering a limited-time bonus. For example, you can make a bonus available for the next week only, or you can make it available only to a certain number of customers (such as 250).

This is a great way to boost sales without harming your long-term sales. And better yet, you can use this strategy with any product, and you can use it repeatedly over time by offering different bonuses. Give it a try to see just how well it works for you.

Offer In-Demand Bonuses

There’s no use in creating a bonus package if your audience doesn’t want the bonus. That’s why you’ll want to be sure you’re offering in-demand bonuses. This means you should do your market research first before you create a bonus. If the people in your audience are already buying a similar offer, then you can bet they’ll be happy to get their hands on your free bonus offer too.

TIP: Do you want to double check demand AND learn the true value of your bonus? Then put it up for sale. This gives you proof that a bonus is in demand, and it gives your customers proof that your bonus’s listed value is realistic.


Provide Bonuses for Others

Here’s a nifty way to get a lot of exposure for your bonus: offer a bonus package (for free) to go with someone else’s product. They get a free bonus, and you get the benefit of backend sales through your bonus.

You can partner up with most anyone in your niche to use this bonus strategy. You might swap bonuses with your partners, meaning they give away your bonuses to their customers, and you give away their bonuses to your customers. It’s a really good way to reach prospects you may not have been able to reach on your own.

Now here’s how to kick this strategy up a notch…

Create Rebrandable Bonuses

Let’s suppose you’re swapping bonuses with one or more partners to expand your reach into the niche. You should have at least one backend offer promoted from within your bonus. After all, that’s a top benefit of swapping bonuses with others in your niche.

Now here’s how you get more partners to say yes: create rebrandable bonuses. This means your partners can insert their affiliate links into your bonuses. When a customer buys something using the links in the bonus, both you and your bonus-swapping partner make money. Win-win!

Test Your Bonuses

Sometimes you do your market research and offer a bonus, but the conversion rate isn’t what you expected. What you can do is test your bonuses. Rotate different bonuses to see which ones give you the biggest boost to your conversion rates.

Experiment With Your Approach

Most marketers create a main offer, and then they create a bonus package to help sell the main product. The sales letter clearly separates the main product from the bonus products.

Now listen up: if you’re not getting the conversions you want, then you may want to experiment with the way you’re promoting the bonuses. For example:

· Instead of offering “bonuses,” offer “accessories” or a “toolkit.” Sometimes a simple word change can get your conversions back on track.

· Include some of the bonuses as part of the main product or vice versa. Just change the way you present the offer.

For example, let’s suppose you’re selling a diet guide that includes meal plans, recipes and a calorie-counting worksheet. Your bonus package includes an exercise guide, a motivational video, a report on supplements and similar.

What you might do is box up all the informational bonuses (the exercise guide, motivational video and supplements report) and include those as part of the main product. And then you take the tools (the meal plans, recipes and worksheet) and call them a bonus toolkit.

It’s a subtle change, but it might be just what your offer needs to get the sales coming in at a better clip. This would work especially well if you made some part of the toolkit scarce (such as offering the worksheet to a limited number of customers).

Now let’s wrap things up…


And there you have it – you now know how to turn your PLR articles into bonuses that you can use to boost your conversions. As you discovered, you can use these bonuses in many ways, from increasing sales to building your list to getting more people to share your content. This is an incredibly powerful ways to get people to act – and it’s so easy to do when you use PLR articles to create your bonuses.

So, go ahead and start planning your bonus strategy right away. Because the sooner you put bonuses to work for you, the sooner you’ll start seeing a significant increase to your conversion rates!


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