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Start Small to Take Away the Power of Self Doubt


Start Small to Take Away the Power of Self Doubt

Beginning an Internet marketing business with a product launch that’s much less expensive than some of your successful colleagues (who love to post their earnings from one launch that would pay your bills for months) can help alleviate some of your self-doubt.

Starting on a small scale – perhaps a $7 product instead of a $97 one – can mean less work to get it off and running and a launch that can teach you a thing or two. The feedback and knowledge you get from beginning with a small launch is invaluable to help you move up to higher ticket items.

You’ll likely build your list with each small launch, too - meaning that when you do get to the big-ticket launches, you’ll have more marketers who will buy from you. With each small launch, your self-confidence will build and self-doubt will begin to wane.

Even the small launches may fail, but that’s a good thing, too - when you use the knowledge you gained to set your focus on something else or to use another strategy because the current one isn’t working.

You won’t have lost much time and energy if you discover these truths from a small launch. Self-doubt is often made up from failures of the past, but your small successes can provide positive thoughts about the positive outcomes you’ve realized.

The positive feedback you receive from small successes may serve to set you up for huge success. There’s always something new to learn in Internet marketing. Beginning your business or venturing out in a different direction in small increments helps you sharpen your skills and become more confident in future business situations.

You’ll soon discover if something works – or not – and can quickly tweak or discard it at your discretion. Little will be lost if you haven’t invested a great deal in something you lack knowledge about.

Correcting your course along the way is the same thing pilots do when they’re approaching a bit of unexpected bad weather before reaching their destination. Look at the charts again, learn from the experience you’ve gathered during the small ventures and correct your course so that you’re firmly on a safe and steady path again.

Learn from other marketers. Follow the business path of others to possibly discover more ways you can promote yourself and become successful with your own enterprise. It’s sometimes easy to get lost in your own little world of strategizing and promoting, but you may become stagnant if you don’t allot some time for learning from others.

Trust your instinct and values when making decisions about your business. There are many shady marketers out there who might turn your head with promises of fast money, but if you stay true to your own values, self-confidence will become the antidote to any self-doubt you may have.


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