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Repurposing Your PLR to Create New Content


Repurposing Your PLR to Create New Content

Repurposing your PLR is one of the more advanced PLR strategies that most PLR buyers fail to capitalize on. It opens up doors to more opportunities for traffic generation and sales.

* Is repurposing and rebranding PLR the same thing?

There is a difference between rebranding your PLR and repurposing it.

For example, let’s assume you have a PLR eBook on dog training and it’s titled as ‘Best Dog Ever’. The cover of the book is brown with a picture of a dog with a ball in its mouth. Everything looks great!

Now, you could sell this PLR book exactly as it is. But then, you’d be competing with the other PLR buyers who have the same book as you. Imagine if someone is interested in your ‘Best Dog Ever’ book but can’t buy it because he’s at work and busy.

Finally, when he gets home and is free, he doesn’t have your sales page URL, so he Google searches for ‘Best Dog Ever book’. Guess what shows up?

7 or 8 listings for the same book that others PLR buyers are also selling. In a worst-case scenario, the actual PLR sales page shows up too. Horror of horrors!!!

Now you’ve either lost the sale, or the buyer shops around and buys it from someone selling it for $1.99. This happens ALL the time. PLR buyers underprice their products to compete because they do NOT understand how to rebrand their PLR.

*REBRANDING your PLR means giving the product a brand NEW look.

You’ll create a new title such as ‘Ultimate Puppy Training’ or ‘The Dog Owner’s Bible’.

You’ll have a cover that looks totally different. Maybe a picture of a happy owner playing with the dog by the beach or something eye-catching.

Now you have a product that NO ON ELSE HAS. This is rebranding. The goal is to have a product unique to you.

* Now let’s talk about repurposing…

Rebranding a product is easy. All you need are new graphics for the product and the sales page. You can either create them yourself or outsource the task to a professional.

*REPURPOSING, however, is about taking the PLR content and turning it into something new that you can either sell for profit or giveaway as value.

In many cases, repurposing PLR allows you to generate traffic to your web properties too.

If we follow the example above, repurposing the dog training eBook will mean hiring a voiceover artist to read out the book and record it as an audio file. You’ll then sell the product as an audiobook.

While you can charge $17 for the eBook, you’ll be able to charge $27 or more for the audiobook because it has a higher perceived value. Some people prefer to listen to a book rather than read it. So, instead of losing these potential customers, you might get them to buy the audiobook instead.

This is an example of how powerful repurposing can be.

Taking pieces of PLR text content and turning them into videos will allow you to generate traffic from video platforms. If you were to turn the content into images, you could use them as pins on Pinterest to generate traffic.

What if you took a PLR article on SEO onpage monetization tips and converted it into a printable poster? Would you be able to make sales with it?

You bet! People prefer to print out checklists for easier reference. They’ll affix them on their walls, etc.

Bought a bundle of dragon graphic designs that came with PLR rights?

You could use them to create Kindle coloring books. Or create dragon stories and use the images as illustrations. You could even print the images on mugs, bags, t-shirts, etc. and sell them to parents who’ll purchase it for their kids.

Repurposing PLR content is about taking the content, changing it from its original format into something new which can be used to further your online business.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a tweet or a template. If you created something new with the PLR you have, you’ve repurposed it.

You’re only limited by your imagination. Use PLR as a canvas and unleash your entrepreneurial skills to create a line of products you could sell… or use the content in different ways to deliver value and generate traffic.

Repurposing your PLR is one of the most important skills you must have, if you wish to get the most out of the PLR content you have.

“Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.” – Robert Bresson


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