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Pre-Selling By Email


Pre-Selling By Email

There’s a huge difference in conversions when someone is excited about a purchase they’re making vs. when they’re surprised by the possibility of a purchase.

Think back to your own history. Has there ever been a product or anything you thought about buying for some time? Maybe it popped up in your thoughts throughout the day, you heard others talking about it, and you were convinced it would change your life, solve a problem of yours, or delight you. When it came time to buy, you jumped at the chance—you couldn’t hit that buy button fast enough. I’m sure it’s happened to you; I think it’s happened to all of us.

The same is true for your audience. That build-up matters.

If they just see your sales page blindly, they might not even read past the headline. They don’t yet have an emotional connection to it. Sure, you try to do a great job with your copy and get and keep them reading—but that doesn’t always work because once they reach a page, if they’re not already presold on the desire to read for more than an instant, you only have a brief time to capture their interest.

It’s so much better if they have an emotional connection already. It’s even better if they already know they’re going to buy before they even see the sales page. That’s when the real magic happens.

I’ve had people tell me that when I release a new product, some don’t even read the sales page. They know it’s going to be a good value so they jump right down to the buy button. That makes me feel great. That’s part of a reputation I’ve developed over time.

But often, it has to do with the pre-selling I do in my emails. I often talk about projects I’m working on, especially ones I’m particularly excited about (such as The IM Inside Track). I talk about what the projects mean to me and what they’ll mean to the audience.

I have great relationships with the people on my email list. There are some who’ve been on my list for nearly a decade. With this trust come higher conversions.

But that longevity doesn’t always have to be there to do this successfully. You can presell by email and get people excited about making a purchase whether you’re new to business or copywriting or not. You can get people excited about making a purchase before they even see the sales page by using the power of psychology and pre-selling.

The Psychology Of Pre-selling

People tend to buy more readily when they’ve already committed to something in their mind.

People tend to buy more readily when they’re reminded of a desperation or passion they have.

People want easier, better solutions to things.

It often takes more than one point of contact before someone will be ready to buy.

What does all of that mean to you? It means that if you pay attention to these things, you can do a great job of pre-selling by email. You can secure that sale before people even see your sales page. How’s that for something amazing?

Let's talk about the fact that it often takes more than one point of contact before people are ready to buy. Imagine you buy an Adwords ad and send someone directly to a sales page. They might not have heard of you. The sales page is great, though… are they likely to buy? They might… but your conversions won’t be anywhere near what they could. There’s no real connection there.

Instead, imagine a scenario where you buy an ad, give someone a freebie so they’ll join your list, and start building a relationship with them by email. You send an email stirring up a problem they have. You send another offering them part of the solution. You send an email handing them the solution on a platter… they’re excited and decide they’re desperate for this solution and are ready to buy before they even land on the sales page.

The latter option is better, right? It’s that relationship and connection that makes the difference. It’s that attention to human psychology that makes the difference.

The Next Time You Sell by Email…

The next time you sell via a sales page, do your pre-selling by email. It can work well to do a mini series of emails that leads to a link to a sales page and a call to action.

The first email can stir up the reader’s emotions and hit on their problem. Make them feel that pain and pressure so they’ll want to remove it at any cost. Get that thought into their mind and they’ll be subconsciously thinking about it until the next time you contact them.

The second email can restate that pain and emotional need again. This time, hint at the solution.

The third email can present the solution on a silver platter—and the answer is found within the product on your sales page. Include a call to action to buy.

Get people excited about what you have to offer ahead of time. You can really improve your conversions. Learning how to write copy isn’t just about writing a good sales letter, it’s also about writing great email copy.

Examples Of Pre-selling By Email

Here’s an example for you. This is a very simplified example, so adapt it to fit your needs.

Let’s say you want to promote a product that’s designed to teach stay at home moms how to write a moneymaking blog so they can start or continue staying home with their kids while bringing in an income.

Email 1:

Subject: Moms who need more money…


Having children is amazing—it’s a huge blessing.

You’ve decided to stay home with your children or you want to stay home with them.

The only problem is that there’s just not enough money. It’s next to impossible for a real family to live off of a single income in today’s world.

But you don’t want to miss a moment of your child’s life.

What’s the answer?

I completely understand what you’re going through right now, and it’s one of the toughest things there is.

I think this topic is so important that I’m going to send you another email tomorrow to talk about solutions, okay?

Sign off

P.S. I think you’re going to like the idea I have for you… it could mean the difference between staying home with your baby or not.

Email 2:

Subject: Can stay at home moms earn money from home?


Last time, we talked about the fact that you really, really want to be able to stay home with your children.

We also talked about the fact that it’s nearly impossible for most families to survive on just one income.

At the same time, you’ll stop at nothing to be able to stay home with your little one.

What’s the answer?

The answer’s pretty cool… and it can definitely work for you. I’m really excited to tell you this. I actually work with MANY stay at home moms who earn full time incomes from home.

They do it all from the computer.

No, this has nothing to do with those ridiculous (and scammy) fake posts you see on social media that say stuff like “earn $3,000 from month doing nothing!”

There are REAL moms who really wanted to stay home with their kids. They’ve started their own business from home and are now earning great incomes doing it.

There’s actually a ton of different options out there for doing this. You can write, blog, freelance, work as an affiliate, and even create your own products.

All of these can be your path to freedom… your path to getting to stay home with your kids and earn a full time income.

I’m especially excited about one of these options in particular because I think it’s perfect for you. You can do it in your spare time and it’s really a lot of fun.

I’m going to share that business with you next time.

For now, think about what it would mean to your family… and to your children… if you could stay home with them with no stress. What it would mean to you and your spouse to have a second full time income coming in, in your spare time at home.

Until then…

Sign off

P.P.S. Remember to check your email tomorrow, okay? There will be one from me.

Email 3

Subject: Hey mom… here’s your answer for earning a full time income from home…


I’m so excited about this because I truly think this can change your life and the lives of your family members.

Yesterday, I shared with you that there are actually a LOT of different ways moms can stay home with their babies and earn a full time income, often in their spare time.

Today, I’m proud to offer you a complete guide on doing this as a part time mommy blogger.

This method in particular is fun, easy, and lucrative. You can do it in your spare time and earn a great income doing it.

I know how badly you want to be able to stay home. I also completely understand how hard it is to do that if there aren’t two incomes coming in.

Here’s your solution… it’s a complete guide that will help you get started. It’s just $7—less than the price of a couple of Happy Meals.

This could be life changing. After all, your children are only young once.

Grab hold of your future and your income by starting your own lucrative blog from home. This isn’t a “biz op”, this is a true opportunity to make your own path in life.

You work hard, and now it’s time to cash in on it.

Link to sales page

To your success,

Sign off


As you can see, there’s a lot of room here to write emails like this for your own niche or product.

Make these pre-selling emails whatever you need them to be. The moms in the example haven’t even seen the sales page yet… but they’re probably going to buy, right? It’s the answer to their problems. The click-throughs and conversions on that third email should be quite high because the moms are already sold on that product.

Apply this to your copywriting and promotions and you should be able to dramatically boost your sales.


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