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Not All PLR is Made Equal... and Here's Why!


Updated: Sep 11, 2020

Not All PLR is Made Equal... and Here's Why!

There is no shortage of private label rights content (PLR) on the market. In fact, there are too many PLR products cluttering the market. Every month, new PLR bundles are released, and it’s usually on the same topics.

Any budding online marketer who wishes to make a few quick bucks looks at selling their own PLR as a way to go about it.

It seems easy enough. Just write some content, bundle it up and ask a few affiliates to promote you.

This ease of entry into the market is good for helping proficient writers generate an income.

However, it’s also easy for poor quality PLR content to inundate the market – and that’s exactly what has happened.

It’s very common to hear online marketers moaning, “Argh! All PLR is crap!” or “I’ll never use third-rate PLR content in my business.”

The unfortunate truth is that there is more bad PLR out there than good. That said, there’s also quite a bit of excellent PLR content for sale.

You just need to know what to look for.

Content VS fluff

Good writing requires flair and research. You want to look for PLR content that is informative and engaging.

It’s easy to come across PLR eBooks that are 8,000 to 10,000 words long, but a lot of it is fluff. Verbosity, larger fonts, double spacing, etc. are tricks used by several PLR sellers to make their content look better than it actually is.

Length of content only matters if the content contains pertinent points that deliver value.

Who’s writing the content?

This is another very important point to take note of. If the PLR vendor is the one writing the content, they’ll usually take more pride in it and do a decent job.

However, if the PLR vendor is outsourcing the writing, then their content can be hit or miss. In many cases, the vendor himself has such a poor command of the language that he/she can’t tell if the freelancer’s writing is good or bad.

They just bundle up the content and sell it as it is, with some bells and whistles to make the content look more presentable than it actually is.

In some cases, the PLR vendor may not have the budget to hire a writer… and at the same time, they have poor writing skills too. But that doesn’t stop them from writing a whole bunch of content that’s so bad you start forgetting your own English while reading it.

Now you have the worst of both worlds. Shoddy content created by a PLR vendor who should not be a PLR vendor. As ridiculous as this situation is, rest assured that it exists… and you need to be aware of it.

The MOST crucial component when purchasing PLR is that the writing has to be good. Nothing else matters. Your business begins and ends with the quality of content you publish.

If you’re using PLR videos, etc. ensure that the videos are worth watching and sound great.

Price is not an indicator of quality

Just because a PLR bundle costs more, it doesn’t mean the content is better. At the same time, a less expensive PLR bundle doesn’t mean you got a bad deal.

In the PLR market, pricing is just a form of positioning. Charging higher may make it appear like the content is more exclusive and better – yet, it could be shoddy content.

Sometimes PLR bundles are sold at a launch discount. So, you may be able to purchase the product for $17, but once the launch is over, the price rises to $47 or higher.

Once again, the pricing is influenced by the timing, vendor’s preferences, etc. and is NOT a determining factor of quality.

Do your research

If you truly want to know who the good PLR sellers are, it’s best to speak to a PLR vendor whom you trust… or join online marketing forums/PLR Facebook groups and ask the members there.

Very often, you’ll see the same names popping up. The PLR industry is a small one and the good vendors keep being mentioned over and over.

Another point to note is that just because you see a PLR product sitting at the top of the bestseller list or getting an award from the platform, that doesn’t translate to good quality.

Very often, marketers have their own circles of affiliates and when a product is launched, several affiliates with huge lists will mail for the product and get a lot of sales.

So, the product climbs the ranks regardless of its quality. Many PLR buyers are clueless and will buy the product without doing their due diligence.

The platform seeing that the product is generating sales will give it an award to get an extra boost of sales because the platform gets a percentage of the sales too.

Everyone wins EXCEPT YOU. You’ve got to be smarter than that. You’ve got to do your research.

A common pitch

A common pitch by a couple of PLR sellers is to tell you how most PLR is rubbish EXCEPT theirs. By condemning the other products, they elevate the status of their own PLR.

Once again, don’t take their pompous words for it. Do your research and see if their PLR is worth buying or if it’s just hot air.

When it comes to PLR, instead of “Buyer Beware!” … it should be “Buyer Be Aware”. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

There’s good PLR around. You just need to find it. (HINT: is a good place to start.)


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