You may be wondering what’s the point of resell rights (RR) and master resell rights (MRR) products. After all, most do not come with the editable source files. So, you have very little flexibility with the products.
It’s almost like having a pointless superpower like being able to read your own mind or instant hair loss. But all levity aside, there are uses for resell rights products. If you have joined a typical PLR membership site, you’ll have access to thousands of resell and master resell rights products.
So, what can you do with them?
Affiliate bonuses
If you’re in the ‘make money online’ space, you’d have seen many affiliates piling on bonuses to promote the latest launches software or infoproducts. Very often, these bonuses are actually resell rights products that have been collated and compiled.
Of course, the products were taken from the large PLR membership sites such as the ones mentioned above. The goal here is to overwhelm the potential buyer with the sheer number of bonuses they’re getting.
It’s common to see affiliates saying how their bonuses have a “real world value of $80,344.75” but they’re getting it all for free if they’ll only purchase the $12.95 eBook the marketer is promoting.
Most of it is hype. There is no such thing as ‘real-world value’ for resell rights products. You can’t take these intangible products to the bank and cash them out for real money. The bank teller will probably tell you where you can put your resell rights bonus.
But the point is this – they can be used as bonuses for affiliate promotions. Just don’t go overboard with the hyperbole and number of products in the bonus. Add a couple of relevant products together and create a quick bonus. It just might help you get the sale.
Idea generation and research
Resell rights products are still content. If you’re in a niche and you need ideas for content, all you need to do is read through several resell rights eBooks in your niche.
You’ll definitely discover points to write about and expound on. Very often, these products have research that’s done for you.
You just need to compile the points and write your own articles. It will save you a lot of time.
Product bonuses
Product bonuses are different from affiliate bonuses. Don’t get confused here.
If you’re selling your own infoproduct, you can always add 3 or 4 bonuses to your product and list them at the bottom of the sales page. Of course, these bonuses will be resell rights products. It’s so easy to add more value just by adding a couple of these to your sales page.
For example, if you’re selling a book on getting six pack abs, you could add 3 bonuses which could be a clean eating guide, stress relief book and a muscle building report.
It’s extremely easy to find these types of products in most PLR memberships.
You may even notice that several digital products sold on use this technique to make their offer look more attractive by padding on more value.
Membership sites
Running a membership site? You can add a resell rights eBook or software every now and then to your deliverables.
Mixing up unique content with resell rights products will help alleviate the stress of content production. As long as the RR product is good, you’ll not get complaints.
Here’s a shocker – people actually make sales with resell and master resell rights products.
This can be done in 2 ways. You could bundle up several RR products in one niche and sell them as a package.
Or you could set up the sales page for any particular resell rights product and sell the product as it is. As long as you can drive traffic to the sales page, sooner or later someone will buy it.
Most RR and MRR packages include the sales pages for you to sell the product. The only limitation is that you can’t rebrand the product because the editable source files are not included. However, if you just want to set up a quick product to get sales from your list or through a YouTube video, these products will work.
Do not discount the value of these products just because of their limitations. Use your imagination and be a PLR MacGyver. You’ll be surprised to discover that you can actually use these RR/MRR products to generate an income online.