Are you ready to take action? Then print out this itinerary, which is a checklist of what you’ve learned in this product creation post series. Be sure to keep this checklist near your work station so that you can refer to it easily and often as you work through these steps…
Step One: Define Your Customer PROFILE
List your possible customer avatars.
Define each of these avatars – fill in assumptions until you’re able to confirm those assumptions with research, surveying, and one-on-one interviews.
Complete your avatars based on these seven facets:
1. Demographics: this includes age, gender, income, location, marital status, number of kids, education level, current job.
2. Background – what level is your customer at with regards to the niche? (Beginner, intermediate or advanced/expert?)
3. Goals and values: What does your customer want? What are their values?
4. Motivations: what motivates your customer to strive towards their goals?
5. Pain points: what challenges and problems do your customers face?
6. Objections: what are your customer’s objections during the sales process?
7. Information sources: where do your customers get niche-relevant information?
Step Two: Decide Your Value PROPOSITION
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Identify Benefits: list all the features and associated benefits of your product.
Step 2: Indicate Values: determine what value the above benefits provide to your customers.
Brainstorm across these five categories:
· End value
· Economics
· Engagement
· Effect
· Equip
Pay special attention to your customer’s current state and their desired state.
Step 3: Individualize Your VP:
· Determine which of these values are important to your customers.
· Determine which of these values set you apart from your competitors.
· Decide on what concept you’ll use for your value proposition.
Step 4: Improve Your VP
· Create a powerful, succinct headline that conveys your value proposition.
· Create a subheadline that elaborates on the headline.
· Polish these statements.
· [Optional: create a short list of benefits and associated visual.]
Step Three: Design Your Ideal PRODUCT
Step 1: TOPIC: Chart Your Product
Review your previous research regarding:
· What your customers want.
· What your value proposition offers customers.
· Your customers’ pain points.
· Your customers’ desired state.
· Which pain point you’re going to eliminate.
· Which goal you’re going to help your customers achieve.
· Which set of benefits you’re going to provide.
Step 2: TYPE: Choose a Format
Ask yourself: which product format most closely aligns with your value proposition?
Ask yourself: what types of products are your customers already buying in your niche?
Decide the best format for your product.
Step 3: TITLE: Connect Buyers
Ask yourself:
· What kind of title would attract buyers?
· What kind of title bridges the gap between your customers’ current and desired state?
· What benefits do you want to include in your title?
Craft a powerful, succinct title (just a few words) that conveys your value proposition.
Craft a subtitle that elaborates on the benefits and value conveyed in the title.
Polish your title and subtitle.
Test your title and subtitle.
Packing List
Be sure to:
· Gather customer feedback (and implement it).
· Go above and beyond what your customers expect.
· Give customers added benefits.
· Guarantee satisfaction.
· Get to know each other.
Identify and fix any of the following issues:
· You’re not speaking your target market’s language.
· Your sales copy doesn’t build value.
· Your prospects don’t trust you.
· Your prospects don’t know you.
· Your customers don’t believe they can do it.
Hot Spots
Check the following issues:
· Are you working to become influential in your niche?
· Are you selling yourself?
· Are you building both interest and desire for your product?
· Are you building relationships in your niche?
· Are you focused on selling results?
Important Documents
Did you consult the course outline before beginning to create your product?
Did you print off this checklist and hang it near your work station?
You’ve now reached the end of this Dream Business planner, but you’ve really just started on your journey! That’s because the planner you’ve just read gets you started on the first leg of this journey.
Once you have one product on the market, then you can fill out your sales funnel using the exact same strategy that you just discovered for creating the ideal product.
So here’s what you need to do next…
· Review the Itinerary so that you know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.
· Gather the supplies you’ll need for the road. (I suggest a nice cup of coffee or your favorite beverage and some snacks so you can sit at your work station and focus for a while.)
· Put this vehicle into “drive”. This means taking action on everything you just read about in this planner, starting with Step 1 (developing your customer avatars).
A journey of 100 miles begins with you deciding to take the trip and going that first mile. Before you know it, the miles will fly by and you’ll be at your destination. And in this case, that means creating products that your customers will really love!
So go ahead and take action ASAP (today) – because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll get to enjoy the profitable rewards that come with reaching your destination!