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Don't Accept Your Own Excuses

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Don't Accept Your Own Excuses

Are you having a pity party with yourself because you just can’t get your online business off the ground? You’ve likely got plenty of excuses to justify watching those television reruns rather than getting off the couch and sitting at your computer to figure it out.

Whatever your excuses are, they’re not legitimate. Anyone can succeed in this business if they just put forth the effort to gain the knowledge and set aside the time they need to make it happen.

Here are some excuses you may use and why they’re just that – excuses:

1. I’m too old. Are you on your death bed? If not, you’re not too old to make a success of your online business. Stop thinking of yourself as “old,” and replace that thought with “I’ve got the time and the wisdom to succeed.”

Success has nothing to do with age – but has everything to do with determination and faith in yourself. There are plenty of baby boomers and older who are online, cashing in. So don’t lie and say it has anything to do with when you were born.

2. I don’t have time. Remind yourself that everyone has the same amount of time every day and many success stories have happened with people much busier than you. Author Danielle Steele, had three babies (two in diapers) and managed to write five novels before she had one accepted. Now, that’s determination.

3. The market is saturated. That’s likely the biggest excuse people use for not succeeding in Internet marketing. It’s a myth. The market is not saturated and it’s primed for new ideas and new marketing strategies from someone willing to take the time and effort to make it happen.

Set yourself apart from other marketers and stop telling yourself you don’t have a chance. People have different teaching styles and everyone has an audience who wants to learn in the way that you teach.

4. No one will help me. Then help yourself! There’s plenty of help out there if you simply take the time to find it. There are forums and blogs, websites and videos which can bolster your faith in yourself and help you overcome obstacles during the journey to success. Don’t wait for someone to help you. Just do it.

5. I don’t have the money. Perhaps one of the lamest of excuses. There’s plenty of freebies out there for those who are struggling to make ends meet while getting their businesses off the ground.

You don’t have to purchase every shiny new object out there. That’s probably what you’ve been doing, if you’re honest with yourself. Concentrate on what will help you most in your business endeavors and go for it.

6. “They” tell me not to waste my time. You’re wasting time by giving “them” a second thought. If all the successful people in the world had listed to others tell them why “it” couldn’t be done, we’d still be in the Dark Ages.

What is your excuse for not succeeding? Excuses are roadblocks you put in front of yourself to prevent you from achieving success. Analyze your “excuses,” and you’ll find that they really can’t prevent you from reaching your goals – only you can.


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