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Does it Make More Sense to Target Trendy Niches?


Does It Make More Sense to Target Trendy Niches?

A lot of affiliate marketers are big on bandwagon marketing. When a trend breaks out, everybody targets keywords related to that trend, hoping to make a quick buck.

It's very easy to see why a lot of people find this attractive. After all, when a news item breaks and search terms for that news item skyrockets, you get instant traffic. You're basically piggybacking on ever changing public tastes and trends.

The problem with trends is that they're like a sugar high. In the beginning, you get a nice surge of traffic, and then once it crashes, it's pretty much gone for good.

If you need proof of this, just look at the search trends for the phrase "fidget spinner." This was all the rage a couple of years back, but now it's dead as a door nail.

That's how trends work. It's kind of like surfing. You wait for the initial swell, and then it keeps getting higher and higher, and then it peaks really high, and then all of a sudden it just crashes. It's like going off a cliff. You drop like a rock.

Considering the temporary nature of trendy niche traffic, why do people even bother? Well, it really boils down to the initial surge.

Because if you dominate keywords for a trending topic on social media as well as search engines, you stand to get a tremendous amount of traffic. This can lead to a lot of cash if you know how to convert this properly. It really all boils down to having some sort of first mover advantage.

Does it Make Sense to Chase After Trends?

I wish I could give you a black and white answer to this question. Unfortunately, I can't because everybody's skill level is different.

If you are a seasoned affiliate marketing veteran, targeting trendy niches might be worth it for you. The return on investment might be there.

Why? Well, first of all, you know how to generate this type of traffic. You know how to do keyword research, you know how to search on social media for platforms that are already talking about a particular trend.

You would probably also know how to create content that people interested in this trend would want to seek out. You should also know how to create ads that would convert traffic into potential customers for the affiliate products you are promoting or for your own products.

Finally, if you truly are a seasoned affiliate marketer, you would know that the money is not in affiliate marketing at all. Seriously. When it comes to trendy niches, the big money is in your own products.

Now, this can take two forms. Either you can offer your own digital products directly in the form of books, software or digital resources. Alternatively, you can also find contract manufacturers in China or dropshippers in China that allow for branding and brand hot merchandise to reflect the trend you are targeting.

It requires a tremendous amount of skill as well as luck to make a lot of money on trendy niches.

The Most Important Skill

If you thought that the skills I listed above are daunting enough, wait, there's more. Seriously. You have to focus on the strongest skill you have to develop when it comes to trendy niche marketing.

What skill is this? The skill to get out when it's hot. This is the key.

You're building an empire based on this trending niche. You know, deep in your bones, that it's not going to last forever. Accordingly, you are going to bail out at the right time.

Again, pay attention to the surfing analogy I described above. Just like when a surfer first floats on the surface of the water and allows himself to be carried by the wave before standing up, then he rides the wave to its highest point, and then it's downhill from there, you have to know how to surf consumer trends. You have to have an eye for the peak.

They key is to sell when the hype is the hottest. This is where you will be able to command the highest dollar figure for the empire you have built on that trend.

The worst thing that you can do is to ride the trend all the way to the end because you probably would make a lot more money selling whatever business you've built based on the hype.

And the best part to all of this is that you won't be hyping anything. The buyer will be hyped up because they got all excited about the trend. They want to dominate the trend.

You sell them a business right before the peak of the trend. This is the key. You have to sell a few months or a few steps away from the peak of the trend. That's how you command the highest price. Once the trend starts to crash, good luck trying to sell your business.


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