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Bundle Marketing Blueprint Step 5: Launch Your Website


Your partners are in charge of submitting a high-quality product to you, and then promoting the event to their communities and lists. You’re in charge of virtually everything else, including creating promo swipes for your partners to use.

Now, while I’m not going to provide the technical details of how to set everything up (as that’s beyond the scope of this guide), you are going to get a really good overview. You can then take this information and learn more about the steps elsewhere to complete them, or you can just outsource this part of the event. It really depends on your skills and your budget.

So, let’s take a look at what all you need to put together for this event. The two main steps include:

· Build the Website

· Create the Promo Materials

Let’s look at each of these in more detail…

Build the Website

In order to create the website, there are several steps you need to take and pieces you need to put in place. Let’s walk through them…

Get a Domain Name

As mentioned earlier in this guide, you should aim to secure at least the .com version of your bundle’s name. If you about $20 extra, then grab the .net and .org versions of your name too (otherwise someone else is likely to take them, and they may try to pass their website off as the original).

You’ll want to use a reputable registrar such as, or similar. Then move onto the next step…

Secure Hosting

Once you have a domain, then you can purchase hosting. As always, you’ll want to select a reputable company such as, or similar.

Important note: Many registrars offer hosting and vice versa. However, you’re going to want to use separate companies to host your website and register your domain. That way, you’re not entrusting your entire business to just one company. The point is to diversify the risk just in case anything happens.

Once you’ve purchased your hosting, then check out the email your new host sends you. This email should list something called “DNS” (domain nameservers). Usually you’ll see two numbers. You’ll need to return to your domain registrar’s dashboard and change your DNS to reflect the numbers you’ve been given. That’s because no one will find your website until you associate your domain with your hosting account. That’s what changing the DNS does for you.

TIP: If it’s not obvious to you how to change the DNS, just look at your domain registrar’s help documentation. Most major registrars not only provide a text document, they often provide a short video that demonstrates how to change your DNS.


Select an Autoresponder

The next piece you need to secure is an email service provider (ESP)/autoresponder. Again, stick with well-established, reputable ESPs such as Aweber, iContact, ConvertKit, GetResponse or similar.

You’re going to be using this email service provider to create multiple lists as follows:

· Your contributing partner list. This is for all partners who are contributing a product and promoting the bundle.

· Your affiliate list. This is for affiliates and other marketing partners who aren’t contributing a product to the bundle.

· Your prospect list. This is for people who visit the site but don’t buy. If you’re doing pre-event promotions, these folks may express their interest before the sales page is even up. Either way, you’ll capture their emails so you can follow up later and close the sale.

· Your customer list. Just like the name says, this is your buyer’s list for everyone who purchases the bundle.


Choose a Payment Processor and Affiliate Platform

Another piece you need to snap into place is your payment processor. You’ll want to pick a platform that either has a built-in affiliate system, or there are affiliate scripts or plugins that integrate with the platform so that you can build an affiliate program.

As mentioned previously in the guide, a platform like is a good choice. That’s because it’s trusted by both affiliates and customers. Even though the fees are higher than other platforms, ClickBank earns those fees by taking care of everything (such as refunding your customers, and sending payments to your partners). ClickBank even accepts PayPal, so customers who trust PayPal can use that as a payment option.

Whatever payment processor you ultimately decide upon, use the site’s instructions to create a payment button for your sales page. Then you can create this page in the next step…

Create a Sales Page

The sales page should be the front page of your website (i.e., the index.html page). That way, anyone who lands on your site doesn’t need to make any additional clicks to reach the sales page.

Let me give you a quick overview of what all to include on your sales page:

· A compelling headline. This should be a benefit-driven headline. E.G., “At last, now you too can finally lose the weight and keep it off… once you start using the tools and resources included inside this amazing once-in-a-lifetime offer!”

· An opener that introduces the offer. Your headline grabbed attention. Now you need to create a paragraph or two that gets people interested in the bundle. Here you want to explain to them how they’ll get many tools and resources all for a fraction of the price. Be sure to talk about the benefits of the overall offer.

· The specifics of each product included in the offer. This is where you list all the products, alongside a bio of the creator. As mentioned earlier in the guide, your partners should provide these bios and pieces of sales copy to you. They should also provide ecover graphics of their products.

· Social proof (such as testimonials). As mentioned, you can have your partners or other beta users offer their testimonials and endorsements. Even an endorsement from a partner that talks about what an amazing deal this is will help boost conversions.

· Price justification. Some people will wonder what the “catch” is since you’re offering such a big bundle of quality products at such a low price. You’ll want to justify the price, such as by saying the goal is to introduce new customers to some very exciting products.

· Call to action alongside a payment button. Here’s where you specifically tell people exactly what to do next. E.G., “Click here to order now!”

TIP: Since your event only lasts for a limited time, such as one week, your offer naturally includes urgency. Use this urgency to boost your conversions! E.G., “We’ve never offered anything like this before, and you’re not going to see this offer again after [date]—so order now while you still can!”

· A postscript (p.s.). Your P.S. should reiterate the benefits, the urgency, and provide another call to action.

Let me make an important note: your sales page is another component that can make or break the success of your bundle event. That’s why you may want to consider hiring a professional copywriter to create your sales page if you aren’t already skilled in the art and science of crafting good sales copy.

Where do you find a copywriter? Here are three places:

1. Search Google for “hire copywriter.”

2. Ask your colleagues and other contacts for recommendations.

3. Post a project on a freelancing site (like

In all cases, be sure to do your due diligence (meaning research the copywriter to be sure they have a good reputation for providing quality work on time). That way, you’re assured of choosing a reputable copywriter who’ll do good work for you.

Here’s the next piece…

Build a Download Page

This is the page where your customers will land once they complete their order. This page will include:

· A note about how the charge will appear on their credit card statement.

· A thank you for ordering the bundle (along with one sentence that reiterates the main benefit of the bundle – this is to keep the buyer’s excitement high and reduce buyer’s remorse).

· Instructions for accessing the bundle.

These initial notes should be followed by the list of products. If you’re offering a big bundle, you’ll want to make each product stand out with its title and ecover graphic. That way, plain links or opt-in forms won’t simply get lost in the big list.

Note: you’ll want to submit the download page to each partner so that they can test their own download process (e.g., they can check that they’ve submitted the right links or opt-in form code).

Be sure this download page isn’t something that’s easy to guess, such as “download.html.” Instead, hide this file behind multiple directories and a filename that can’t be cracked. You might even use a download manager so that only those who complete the purchase are able to get access to the products.

Create an Invitation Page

This piece was mentioned in the previous step. This is a page on your site that you use to attract partners. You’ll post the information about how the bundle works and how it benefits contributing partners. As mentioned, you can also include this information in the form of a short video.

This page also includes three more pieces:

1. The terms and requirements of participating in the event, which participants need to agree to by virtually signing or “checking” that they agree.

2. A submission form that lets participants submit their product and send you their sales copy and bio.

3. Your contact information (and preferably multiple way to contact you), so partners can reach you easily if they need to.

And finally…

Build an Affiliate Center

As the name implies, this is a page that contains information for affiliates. This page should:

· Present potential affiliates with the reasons why they should join now.

· Show affiliates how to sign up for the affiliate program.

· Tell affiliates how to get their link.

· Let affiliates know when they can start promoting.

· Give affiliates the materials they need to promote the bundle.

Which brings us to the next step…

Create the Promo Materials

As mentioned, you want to make it as easy as possible for your contributing partners (and other affiliates) to promote the offer. This means you should create a variety of promotional materials that your partners can swipe and send to their contacts. At a minimum, you should provide an email series. However, the more promos you create, the easier it will be for people to promote the bundle.

Check out this list of ideas of promotional materials to include in your affiliate center:

A promotional email series. Ideally, this series should include five to seven emails, and it should start building anticipation before the bundle event launches, and should encourage readers throughout the event to buy now (or lose their chance forever).

Here’s what an example series might look like:

Email 1, sent the week before the launch. Here’s where you build anticipation for what’s coming. This email should feature the “heavy hitters” and popular products available in the bundle. Mention when the launch happens, and emphasize that the event only lasts for a limited time (e.g., one week) to create scarcity.

Email 2, sent the day before the launch. This email recaps the main benefits of the event and continues to build anticipation and excitement. This is sent the day before the launch so that people are ready to buy immediately when the event starts. If available, send prospects to a “preview” sales page.

TIP: It’s a good idea to create a preview sales page and put it on the front page of your site at least a week or two before the event starts. This preview should include all the products and benefits, to build anticipation among prospects. Then on launch day you can swap out the preview for the full sales page which includes the order button.

Email 3, sent the day of the launch. This is a short email –perhaps only a one paragraph – that summarizes the main benefits of the offer and provides a call to action (telling readers to go buy the bundle now while the offer is still available).

Email 4, sent two days after the launch. This reminds prospects about the event, and shares testimonials or other social proof touting the main benefits of the bundle. Create a sense of urgency by reminding prospects that the event ends soon (alongside your link and call to action).

TIP: You’ll want to enlist the help of a few beta users to review the package before the launch. That way, you can include testimonials on the sales page, as well as within this email. This works best if the people giving the testimonials have some name recognition in the niche. You may even decide to have your contributing partners talk about what an amazing package it is at a great price.

Email 5, sent the last day of the event. This is a “last chance” email, where you remind prospects that they’ll kick themselves if they miss out on their one chance to order this high value package at such a low price. Be sure to include a call to action telling people to order now.

While an email series (like the example above) works best to generate sales during this sort of an event, not every partner is going to want to upload a five-email series. You might also create a shorter series, such as three emails: one sent the day or two before the launch, one sent on launch day, and then a “last chance” email.

Still, some partners won’t want to send three emails. That’s why you’ll want to create standalone emails too. That’s next…

Standalone emails. Here you can create three to five standalone emails to promote the bundle event. As the name implies, any one of these emails can be sent at any time during the event. And the marketer can just to just send one to their contacts, because these emails aren’t part of a series.

Blog articles and promos. Here you can create three or so articles for people to upload to their blogs. For this grouping you may create two different kinds of content:

1. A direct promo. This is an advertisement that’s similar to the standalone emails (which list the benefits of the bundle and provide a call to action). Indeed, you can even repurpose one of the standalone emails and turn it into a blog promo.

2. An informational article with a promo at the end. For example, if your bundle is focused on weight loss, then you might create a fat-loss tips article. You’d then promote the bundle at the end of the article. (E.G., “If you liked these tips, then you’re going to LOVE getting your hands on 47 weight-loss resources at an unbelievable price! Click here to check it out now – and hurry, because this very special offer ends [date]!”)


Social media blurbs. Here you’ll create a variety of promos that people can post on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. Be sure to create at least one or two short promos (280 characters or less) that people can copy and paste to Twitter.

Video. Here you might create a short 60 to 90 second video that promotes the bundle by highlighting the top products and contributors. Just be sure you don’t include a link in the video. Instead, tell viewers to check the link “next to the video.” That way, your affiliates and partners can post the video on their blogs or social media pages, and then include their affiliate link on the page (such as below the video).

Rebrandable report. You might also consider creating a short report on the same topic as the bundle. For example, if the bundle covers traffic-generation strategies, then you might offer a tips report or overview report. You’d then include a call to action and rebrandable link at the end where affiliates can insert their own link.

Graphics. You’ll also want to create a variety of graphics that partners can use on their own as well as alongside their other promotional materials. These may include:

· Graphical ads of different sizes, such as banner ads and smaller square ads (for blogs, social media, etc.).

· Ecover graphics. These aren’t standalone ads. Instead, people may use them inside their newsletter, in blog posts, and similar.

As mentioned, the bottom line is to create plenty of materials to make it as easy as possible for your contributing partners and affiliates to promote the bundle.

Once you’ve completed this step and got everything set up to start taking orders, then you’ll be ready to launch. Now move onto the final step of the B.U.N.D.L.E. strategy, where you’ll find out how to make this a great success for both you and your partners.


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