Discover All of the "Conveniently Forgotten" Details You Need to Know to Create and Launch a Line of Niche eBooks That Will Fund Your Continued Success for Years!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Tapping Into the Needs of an Online Consumer: Why Does One Niche Outsell Another?
Chapter 2: Reasons Why Successful Marketers Conduct Thorough Keyword Research Early in the Product Creation Game
Chapter 3: The Best Way to Compile an Information Product for Easy Consumer Digestion
Chapter 4: Hate Hard-Hitting Sales Copy? You're Not Alone, But You'd Better Learn It Anyway!
Chapter 5: How and Where to Set Up Shop and Take Your Site Live for Sales
Chapter 6: How's the Money Going to Change Hands? Shopping Cart Strategies for New and Seasoned Marketers Alike
Chapter 7: Branding Your Product for Saturation of the Market - Why Product Launches Really Start Weeks Ahead of Time!
Chapter 8: How You Can Get Your Customers to Buy from You for Life - It's More than Just Creating Quality Products at a Discount!
Chapter 9: How the Creation of an Affiliate Program Can Catapult Your Sales Into Orbit
Chapter 10: Backend Tactics that Allow You to Edge Out Competitors and Become the Head Honcho of Your Niche