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7 Essential Social Media Platforms


7 Essential Social Media Platforms

Your audience is already on social media, which is why you’ll want to develop a presence on the top platforms too.

But heads up: even though this article will list the top platforms, that doesn’t mean you should develop a presence on all of them. What you want to do is research each platform to determine which ones are a good fit for you. Here’s what you’re looking for:

· Does your audience have a good presence on the platform? There’s no sense in expending a lot of time and resources on a social media platform if it’s not your audience’s preferred platform.

· Does the platform fit your needs? For example, if your mix of content includes more text content than photos/graphics, then platforms like Instagram may not be a good option for you.

Point is, pick two or three of the best platforms for your needs, and focus on those platforms. Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be everywhere. (If you get good results from your initial platforms, you can of course add platforms over time if they’re a good fit for your audience demographics and business.)

Let’s take a look at the platforms…


Most niches tend to be on Facebook, so most businesses will have a presence here too. Facebook not only lets you set up a Page for your business, you can also set up a discussion group. Facebook also has a good advertising platform for paid ads.


Here’s another big site. You’ll want to consider this site if you intend to share a lot of news from your niche, as Twitter is known as the place to go for breaking news.


This video-sharing site is a great place to go if you intend to share tutorials, demonstrations and similar videos.


While plenty of niches are represented on Twitter, there tends to be a focus on things like cooking, baking, home decorating, wedding planning and similar markets. That’s why this site also tends to have a lot of women onboard.


Here’s a photo-based site. Most people tend to offer little description and plenty of hashtags to help get their content discovered.


If you’re in a niche catering to other business owners or professionals, then check out LinkedIn. This site gives you a chance to network with likeminded people as well as share articles and other content.

Niche Sites

Finally, be sure to research the social media sites that are specific to your niche. For example, is a popular social media platform that’s for (yep, you guessed it!) dog owners.

To see if there are similar sites in your niche, search Google for your niche keywords alongside words like “social media” and “networking” and “groups.”


Now that you know the top platforms, your next step is to research them to see if they’re a good fit for your business. Pick two or three platforms that meet your needs, then get to work building your audiences and sharing content!


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