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5 Common PLR Misconceptions Dispelled


5 Common PLR Misconceptions Dispelled

Private label rights content, also known as PLR, can be a polarizing topic in the online marketing space. While many marketers swear by it, there are also many marketers who turn their nose and scoff at it.

The concept of PLR has been around for decades. Most marketers don’t realize that even white label physical products can be branded and sold. This is done ALL the time with dropshipping to the tune of millions of dollars.

All the vendor does is create a logo and branding which is then used in the product packaging. He/she then markets the product as something unique. In reality, the product is generic, made in China (or some other country) and sold by several different vendors.

In the same vein, PLR content can be rebranded and sold as your own. How good your products are will depend on how good your PLR content is. This brings us to the first misconception…

1. All PLR is bad

Unfortunately, there is some truth to this because most of the PLR being sold is usually abysmal and nothing to write home about.

However, there is a silver lining to this grey cloud – there are several very good PLR vendors out there providing excellent content that you can use on your blogs, etc.

Do NOT make the mistake of tarring the entire industry with the same brush. What you’ll need to do is discern between the good PLR sellers and the atrocious ones.

Read blogs like this or join Facebook groups dedicated to PLR and ask for recommendations. It’s just a matter of time till you discover who the reputable PLR vendors are. The cream always rises to the top. Now you can get excellent content for your online business.

2. It’s easy to make money with PLR

PLR makes it easier to build an online business. That’s the key word – ‘easier’. Let’s not fool ourselves here. Building an online business requires time, consistent effort and patience. It’s NOT easy… but PLR helps to relieve some of the burdens of content creation.

You need a blog to develop an online presence… but you dislike writing content? No worries. You can use PLR content to populate your blog.

The PLR saves you time, but you’ll still need to do the work to set up the blog, post the content, personalize it, etc.

The PLR makes it easier – but you still have work to do. This rule applies to all types of PLR that you use.

Bought PLR videos? Good… now start a YouTube channel, upload the videos, embed them and so on.

Bought a PLR eBook? Excellent. Rebrand it, set up the sales pages and funnel, add the buy buttons and start driving traffic to it.

You get the idea. PLR speeds up the journey, but you’re still doing the walking, and it’s uphill all the way.

3. Using PLR is plagiarism and an unethical practice

Private label rights content is perfectly ethical and legal to use, as long as you abide by the terms in the PLR license.

There’s a common misconception here that multiple people using the same content is plagiarism. It’s not. It’s exactly how PLR was meant to be used. You’re paying for the rights to use the content.

Just ensure that the PLR vendor is creating content that’s unique and not stolen from elsewhere.

Generally, if you stick to the reputable PLR vendors, this will not be an issue.

4. You’ll be penalized by Google

Google does NOT penalize PLR content. The duplicate content penalty only occurs when the SAME CONTENT appears multiple times on the SAME BLOG or web property.

Same content on different blogs do not incur the wrath of Google. So, only use each PLR article on your site once and you’ll be safe. That’s it.

5. Cheaper and bigger is better

As with most things, you often get what you pay for. Do not skimp and get the cheapest content you can find.

Very often, you’ll come across huge packages of PLR content where there are thousands and thousands of articles inside and it costs less than five dollars or so.

Avoid these types of PLR bundles. The content will usually be sub-par, old and thinner than your patience once you see what you’ve bought.

Some marketers may tell you that they managed to find one or two articles in these packs they could use. This may be true because even a blind pig stumbles upon an acorn every now and then.

However, time is money… and you don’t want to spend ages rifling through tons of rubbish content just to find one barely workable article.

You’re better off getting good PLR right off the bat, even if it costs more and you’re getting less content.

That said, there are many excellent PLR vendors who bundle up quite a bit of quality content and sell them at an affordable price. You’ll just need to do your research.

Always remember that quantity does not necessarily dictate quality.

Dispel these 5 misconceptions and use PLR in your online business. When used correctly, it’s an extremely powerful tool that will reap rewards many times over.


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