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4 Indirect Ways to Boost Your Income with PLR


Private label rights (PLR) content is a highly versatile tool. While it can be used as content on your blogs/site, etc. or sold as your own products, there are also several other ways you can make the content work for you.

As a PLR user, you’ll need to understand the concept of PLR to know when you need to rewrite it and when you need to rebrand or repurpose it.

PLR can be used in several different ways to generate an income online. It’s all a matter of using the content strategically to get sales directly or indirectly. Let’s look at 4 ways you can boost your income indirectly with PLR.

1. Question and answer sites

There are many question and answer sites such as, Yahoo Answers, etc. These are active sites with thousands of users posting questions daily.

One way to drive traffic to your own web properties will be to answer questions that people post on these sites. Always include a link in your profile back to your own blog or products.

The goal is not to draw attention to the link. What you should do is deliver so much value that the readers get curious about who you are and click on the link in your signature. This is how you siphon traffic to your site/s.

So where do you get content to answer their questions?

PLR, of course! You just need to find PLR articles that contain information which answers these questions. Then it’s just a matter of posting the content.

You do not need to worry about making the content unique because this is just a question and answer site. As long as your answers are relevant, you’ll get their attention.

2. Giveaway reports

PLR reports can be converted into PDFs and given away on file sharing sites, forums, Facebook groups and so on. The rule of thumb is that you must always appear to be helping the audience.

Forums and groups tend to frown on marketers who offer a gift but use an opt in page to capture emails. You’ll look like you’re just using the group/forum for your own benefit (which you actually are).

This display of vested interest will either get you a warning or you’ll get booted out of the community. The best way to go about it is to give your report away with no strings attached. No opt ins.

But here’s what you do…

You’ll add a link to your website at the bottom of every page in your report. You’ll also sprinkle affiliate links throughout the report that will help you get passive sales.

At the end of the report, you’ll have links to 2 or 3 other free reports the reader can gain access to.

Guess what?

They’ll need to opt in to get these reports. Now, you don’t have to play by the group’s rules because the links are in the PDFs. You’ve delivered so much value in your initial offering that the reader wants more of what you’re offering and will willingly provide their email.

3. Quick tips

Break your PLR content down into bite-sized quick tips. Convert these tips into short videos that you can post on Facebook and/or images you can use on Pinterest.

Several people who find your quick tips will look for you through the links in your video channel or by clicking on your images which are linked to your blog/sites.

4. Offline marketing

Offline marketing can be used for lead generation or to drive traffic. You’ll need to summarize your PLR articles into short, catchy content pieces.

You can either convert them into infographics or use them on flyers, pamphlets, brochures, etc.

For example, if you own a pharmacy, printing out a PLR article on the benefits of vitamin D (as an attractive pamphlet) and juxtaposing the content next to an image of vitamin D supplements you’re selling in your store will help to educate the customer and convert potential buyers into paying customers.

These 4 methods are just a few of the many ways PLR can be harnessed for your marketing online and offline. Thinking out of the box will allow you to tap into the sheer versatility of PLR and you’ll appreciate how useful it can be for your business.


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