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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 8 - Create a Branded Theme

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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 8 - Create a Branded Theme

At this point, you should have a big package of content (or perhaps multiple pieces purchased separately, if you were unable to find what you needed in one package). Now what you need to do is decide exactly how to use each piece, and then create a branded theme for the package.

You should have a pretty good idea already of how to use the various pieces. Basically, it should be based on the market research you did earlier. Your goal here is to use that research to create an in-demand package composed of in-demand pieces.

In the coming days we’ll be covering how to create a unique package by tweaking, excerpting, compiling and rewriting the content. For now, you want to make a plan for each piece of content in your package. As you do this, don’t be constrained by its current format. For example, perhaps you can turn a report into a checklist. Or maybe you can turn an ebook into a course. Do some brainstorming for each piece of PLR content in your possession to determine how to use it.

TIP: If a piece of content really doesn’t fit into your package, then consider how else you might use it. For example, can you turn it into one or more articles that you post on your blog? Can you use it as a lead magnet? Can you create emails out of it that you load to your autoresponder?

Once you’ve separated out all the content and decided how it’s going to fit into your package, then you need to decide how you’re going to tie all these pieces together. For this, you’ll want to create a branded theme.

Here’s the question to ask yourself: what does your package DO for customers? What is the biggest benefit? Ideally, what benefits does it offer that similar competing products do not? Whatever this big benefit is could potentially be worked into a branded theme.

For example, look at the “Dummies” line of branded books. Let’s set aside what some would consider an unsavory name, and for the moment focus on the brand. The point is that this line of books offers simple, step-by-step instructions and tips for people who really don’t feel like they’re going to be good at the task they’re trying to accomplish. At the time the brand was developed, it filled a gap in the market by providing easy-to-understand instructions that anyone could implement.

Another example: The “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books. These books don’t just provide interesting reading. Instead, they are soothing to the soul – like chicken soup.

Or take the example of this “31 Day Guide” you’re reading. I’ve put together multiple guides that are designed to give people simple instructions and a step to take every day for 31 days. At the end of a month, the reader who takes these steps will have accomplished something. In the case of this guide, you’ll have a profitable package created that you can start selling immediately.

Point is, this branded set of guides doesn’t just promise to teach you how to do something. It tells you exactly what to do for 31 consecutive days – it’s a monthlong blueprint to achieving a specific task, which is something my competitors don’t offer.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task is to decide exactly what you’re going to do with each piece of PLR content that you now have the license to modify and sell. Once you’ve detailed all the pieces of your package (such as reports, checklists, worksheets and similar), then create your branded theme to tie it all together.

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