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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 4 - Plan a Sales Funnel

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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 4 - Plan a Sales Funnel

One of the keys to a successful business is to always be planning ahead. So, even though this 31-day guide is all about assembling a profitable package that you create out of PLR content, you actually need to plan a sales funnel around this package. Doing so will help you determine:

· How you’ll get people into your sales funnel.

· How you’ll persuade these leads to make an initial purchase from you (and what sort of entry-level products you’ll sell).

· What you’ll sell as a core offer.

· What types of backend offers you’ll sell.

· What sorts of upsells you’ll promote alongside paid offers.

· What types of bonus products you’ll offer to boost sales.

…And similar issues.

Yesterday you decided where in your sales funnel you’d like to your package to appear. E.G., a $20 package would be an entry-level package, whereas a $97 package could be a core offer. Now today you’re going to plan the rest of the products around this sales funnel.

TIP: One important reason to plan your sales funnel now is because you may be able to pick up a huge package of PLR content that includes other pieces to create your entire sales funnel.

If your package is an entry-level $20 package, then brainstorm/answer these funnel questions:

· What will you use as a lead magnet to bring people into your sales funnel?

· How will you promote your $20 package to those who claim the lead magnet?

· What sort of bonuses would you offer alongside your $20 package offer?

· What sort of upsells will you offer alongside your package?

· Once people buy your $20 package, what ELSE will you sell them? Be sure to consider a variety of products at a variety of price points and detail the bonuses and upsells you’ll include alongside these offers.

· How will you sell these additional products to your new customers?

If your package is a $97 core offer, then brainstorm/answer these funnel questions:

· What will you use as a lead magnet to bring people into your sales funnel?

· What related product will you use as a tripwire offer to turn prospects into buyers? (Your tripwire offer should be high-quality, but low cost to make it irresistible.)

· What sort of bonuses will you include with your tripwire offer?

· How will you promote your core offer (the package) to those who claim your free lead magnet and/or purchase the tripwire offer?

· What sort of bonuses will you include alongside your core offer?

· Once people buy your $97 package, what ELSE will you sell them? Be sure to consider a variety of products at a variety of price points and detail the bonuses and upsells you’ll include alongside these offers.

An Example:

Let’s suppose you’re selling a $97 weight-loss package that includes a big course with multiple tools and reports on the topics of nutrition and exercise. Your sales funnel might look like this:

· Lead magnet: a set of meal plans.

· Tripwire: A diet guide (good overview how to lose weight).

· Core: the package you’re currently building.

· Bonuses: reports on the specialized topics such as supplements or high-intensity interval training.

· Upsell: access to a private support forum.

· Additional backend offers: private coaching, access to a membership site, or even affiliate offers such as prepackaged frozen meals.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to brainstorm and answer the questions above so that you can begin planning your sales funnel. Tomorrow you’ll be getting into more specifics about exactly what you’ll be selling on the backend of your profitable package.

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