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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 26 - Preparing Your Package


31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 26 - Preparing Your Package

Your main package and bonuses are almost ready to go. Now you need to prepare them for delivery. Let’s take a look at the pieces you need to snap into place:

Ecover Graphics

Ideally you need the following graphics:

1. A graphic for each piece in your package, including bonuses.

2. A graphic for the package as a whole.

That way, you can use all the individual ecover graphics in the sales letter next to your description of each piece. You can use the overall package graphics in the sales letter too, as well as in ads.

If you don’t have the skills to do this yourself, then outsource it to someone on, or similar. People often make the decision to purchase based in part on how professional your package looks, and good graphics add to the attractiveness and professionalism.

Interior Design

Your new customers will judge your package by whether it looks professional once they start scrolling through the pieces. That’s why you want to make sure you have a crisp, professional interior design. You can use a template for your word processing software (such as a template for Microsoft Word) to create this professional look. Be sure your header and footer look professional and are branded without being distracting.

Convert to PDF

Once everything is ready to go, then you need to convert all your text files (such as your .doc files) to PDF. In order to do this, you’ll need a PDF converter.

For example:

· Acrobat, which is the original professional tool for converting and creating PDFs.




You can search Google for “Word to PDF converter” or even just “PDF converter,” and you’ll find plenty of options. Be sure to choose a solution that creates clickable links in your PDF, as not all converters do this.

Package the Files

Your next step is to create a .zip file, which lets you place all the pieces of your package into one compressed file. A popular zip tool is, though as usual you can find other solutions by searching Google if WinZip doesn’t meet your needs.

Create Your Download Page

Finally, you need to upload your .zip file to a hard-to-guess URL on your website, and then link to it from a hard-to-guess or protected download page. This download page is where customers will go to collect the package immediately after they complete payment.

If you’re not techie and don’t know how to create a download page or upload files, then find a freelancer to do it for you (on, or similar). Do your due diligence and choose someone trustworthy and reputable since they’ll have access to your website.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to walk through the steps you just learned to get graphics, prep your package, and get it uploaded to your website. Alternatively, you can use today’s time to find a freelancer to do these steps for you.


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