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31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 25 - Finish and Proof the Bonuses


31 Days to Profitable Packages: Day 25 - Finish and Proof the Bonuses

Yesterday you worked through some issues with regards to creating or setting up your bonuses. Today you have one more issue to consider…

What will you promote from within your bonus?

That’s right, one of the benefits of a bonus is that it gives you yet another opportunity to sell a related offer. Ask yourself this question to decide what to promote:

What sort of product would be a good fit with both the bonus and the main package?

Your main package provides a solution. Your bonus provides another part of the solution. The offer you sell on the backend of the bonus should provide yet another piece of the solution.

For example: Your package is about learning how to write high-converting sales letters. Your bonus is a set of sales letter templates. The related offer you promote from within the bonus is a personal coaching/sales letter critique offer.

Here’s another example: Your package is full of dieting information and tools. Your bonus is a set of low-calorie meal plans and recipes. Your related backend offer that you promote from within the bonus is access to a weight-loss support group.

Take note that you can also promote affiliate offers from within your bonus. Go back to the example above with the dieting package. Instead of promoting a weight-loss support group, you might promote pre-packaged dinners or supplements.

Follow these additional tips:

· Be sure your bonus naturally leads to the offer you’re promoting, and then include a call to action.

· Create a bonus that people will refer to often. The more often someone uses your bonus, the more they’ll see your call to action and link.

· Promote this offer in multiple ways. While the primary way to promote this offer is from within the bonus itself, be sure to add a small series of email follow ups that also promote this offer. For example, your email series to customers might include two or three emails promoting the same product or service that you promote from within the bonus.

· Include the bonus in your quick start guide. Tell your customers at what point they should use the bonus. For example, suppose you have a multimodule course on the topic of traffic generation. And let’s say one module is about placing paid ads. If your bonus consists of ad templates, then you’d instruct users to look at the bonus right after they finish the paid-ad module.

Now let’s wrap things up…

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to finish creating or setting up your bonus(es). Where applicable, be sure to promote a related offer from within your bonus. When your bonus is all finished, proof and polish it, add value (with graphics) where applicable, and in general get it ready for prime time.


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