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31 Days to Profitable Memberships: Day 14 - Start Creating Content: What All Should You Include?


31 Days to Profitable Memberships: Day 14 - Start Creating Content: What All Should You Include?

Starting today and running for about the next week and a half, you’re going to create the content and bonuses for the first month of your membership site. We’re spreading this task out over time so that it’s not overwhelming.

For example, if you have 10,000 words’ worth of content for the first month, then you only need to do about 1000 words per day. That’s the length of a blog article. When you think of it that way, creating all your content is actually easier than you think.

Each day in this guide I’ll also share with you tips for creating better content. We’ll start today by going more in-depth on how to research your content. Specifically, how should you research your content so that you end up with a really good product for your buyers?

Check out these ideas…

Look at Popular Products

First thing to do is run a search for your content’s keywords (e.g., “weight loss,” “dog training,” etc.). You can run this search in Google to uncover products, as well as in marketplaces such as and

What you want to do is review the table of contents of these products as well as the sales pages. What all topics and subtopics do these products include? What benefits do these products have that your product doesn’t? How can you create something that’s similar yet BETTER than the existing products on the market?

Where applicable (such as on Amazon), be sure to also read customer reviews. This will give you an idea of what the end user wants (and doesn’t want) in a particular niche product.

Browse Niche Blogs

Taking a few minutes to read the popular blogs in the niche will give you an idea of what topics are popular with the end user. Look for topics that keep popping up repeatedly. Also, look for topics that get a lot of discussion and social media love. Finally, read the blog articles to see if the author shares any information that you haven’t yet included in your outline.

NOTE: Just to be clear, you are in no way copying anyone else’s products, articles or other content. Instead, you are merely reviewing them for inspiration about what to include in your PLR product. For example, if you see that several weight-loss products include information about how to balance macronutrients, then that’s something you’ll want to include in your product too (completely in your own words).


Check Out Niche Discussions

Another good place to gather good information is any niche community when your end users are discussing topics. This includes question and answer sites like, niche forums, and niche groups (like those on Facebook). Take note of what questions and topics come up repeatedly, as that’s an indication that the topic is popular in your niche.

For example, if the question, “What kind of exercise should I do if I’m really out of shape?” pops up repeatedly on a weight-loss forum, then that’s a question you may want to cover in your weight-loss report or other content.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to start creating your main content. In this planner we’ve devoted eight days to creating your main content (and two days for bonuses), so your goal is to get at least 1/8 of your main content done today.


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