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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day1 - Select a Niche and Profitable Topic


31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day1 - Select a Niche and Profitable Topic

First things first: you need to decide which niche you’ll cater to and what topic. Let’s start with the niche…

The key here is that you need to select a big, profitable niche market. The bigger the market is overall, the more marketers there will be in the niche – and that means more people for you to sell your PLR to.

You’ll want to look for niches inside the bigger, evergreen markets such as:

· Weight loss.

· Health and fitness.

· Relationships/dating/marriage.

· Jobs/career.

· Pets.

· Business and marketing.

· Make money online.

· Finance/investing.

· Travel.

· Hobbies (e.g., golf, car restoration, hunting, etc.).

And similar profitable and large markets.

Then what you’ll want to do is pick a smaller niche within this market. For example, you might pick health and fitness, and then focus on bodybuilding. If you’ve never dabbled in your chosen niche before, then be sure to do your market research to confirm it’s going to be profitable. (This means checking that people are already buying plenty of products in the niche.)

NOTE: At this point you don’t want to narrow down too much further, because you want to appeal to a relatively larger market. If you construct your materials the right way, then your buyers will be able to “niche-ify” your content to suit their needs. For example, your buyers could turn a report on bodybuilding into a report for women who want to lift weights.

Once you pick the niche, then you need to pick the topic. To do this, find out what topics are already really popular in your niche. If end users (aka consumers) are buying infoproducts like crazy on a specific topic, then you can bet marketers will want to get their hands-on PLR content on the same topic!

To that end, go to marketplaces like, and to see what topics in your niche are bestsellers. You do this by running a search for your niche keywords (such as “bodybuilding” or “dog training”). You’ll also want to check to see which topics have multiple competitors, as that’s a sign that the topic is popular and profitable.

The second step is to check out what other PLR sellers in your niche have on offer. You may find that there are a lot of competing PLR vendors on a topic. This isn’t a bad thing, as it shows the topic is indeed profitable. The key is that you need to separate yourself from these other sellers (which you’ll learn how to do later in this guide).

Alternatively, you may find that you don’t have much competition on a particular topic. If end users are buying a topic like crazy but there are few to no PLR vendors creating products on that same topic, that’s a potential unexploited niche for you to pursue. Be the first to enter the market with that particular topic, and you’ll dominate it!

Depending on what sort of site you’re setting up, you may select multiple popular topics around which you’ll create PLR content. For example, if you’re setting up a traffic generation site, you may select topics such as Facebook marketing, SEO for Google, guest blogging, JV marketing, and more. You’d then create reports or other PLR content on these topics to deliver to your members over time.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task for today is to brainstorm markets, pick a profitable niche within that overall market, and then pick a popular topic within the niche. The more research you do at this step, the more confident you’ll be in your decisions! (But don’t overdo it and go into analysis paralysis – do your research and make your decision in one day, and then move on.)


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