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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 31 - Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Site


31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 31 - Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Site

At this point, you’ve got everything uploaded and ready to go. But before you unleash your site on the world, you’ll want to take the following steps and put on the finishing touches…

Test Everything

Your first step is to be sure that everything works and is ready to go. You’ll want to run these tests yourself, but you may also ask a friend or two to check things out as well.

Here’s what to test:

· Do a test payment to be sure your order button works, and that it sends people to the correct page once the payment is complete. If you have any cross-sells/upsells on the order form, test purchases both with and without these additional purchases.

· Test all links. Be sure your download page links work so that people can collect their purchases when their order is complete.

· Test your opt-in form. Be sure it renders correctly on the page, and then it sends out the first email immediately after new members opt-in to the list.

You’ll also want to test any other links and forms you have on your site. For example, be sure your help desk link works and that you receive inquiries when someone sends you a message through the desk. Also, be sure other links (such as your terms of service link) point to the right page.

Check the Site on Multiple Devices

It’s a good idea to see how your site works across different devices and different browsers. To that end, check your site on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and even Microsoft Edge. Then you’ll also want to check that all pages of your site render correctly on a variety of devices, from desktops to tablets to mobile phones.

Proof Once More

Next, you’ll want to give your entire site the “once over” to be sure you didn’t miss any spelling or grammar errors. Be sure to proof the sales page, the download page, any cross-selling sales pages, and any emails you’ve uploaded to your autoresponder.

And finally…

Look Ahead

At this point your site is ready for you to make public and start advertising. You probably want to take a well-deserved break. Go ahead, but don’t sit on your laurels too long. That’s because there’s much to do in the coming days. Specifically:

· You need to create next month’s content. Be sure to get it done well ahead of time, so that you don’t miss getting the content to your new members. It’s a good idea to be about one month ahead on content creation so that you have a cushion in case something happens (if you or your freelancer falls ill, for example).

· Start thinking about member retention. Check the bonus included in this package for tips on how to retain members.

· Plan your marketing strategy. You’ve got some great content – now you need to create a plan to get your PLR membership site offer in front of as many targeted people as possible and persuade them to join. Check the bonuses included in this package for some ideas on how to get started.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to go through the steps above to put the final touches on your site. Congratulations – your site is ready to go!

1 Comment

May 01, 2024

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