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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 19 - How to Create PLR Content Your Buyers Will Love


31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 19 - How to Create PLR Content Your Buyers Will Love

We’ve been talking about how to create high-quality content, as that’s something both the end users and your PLR buyers will appreciate. Now we’re going to switch gears for a moment and consider what else buyers are looking for when they’re getting ready to buy PLR content. They want high-quality, engaging content as described over the last few lessons.

What else? Take a look at these desirable characteristics that will help you sell more PLR content…

Accurate Content

It goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway: make sure your content is well-researched, fact-checked, and accurate in every way.

If you make even one factual mistake in your content, everything else in your entire PLR membership site becomes suspect. Buyers don’t want to spend time fact-checking PLR content, so they simply aren’t going to buy or use your content if they find a mistake.

Point is, be meticulous with the facts. Even if you’re “pretty sure” your fact is accurate, double check it anyway.

Polished Content

Another thing you’ll want to do is proofread your content to eliminate as many grammar and spelling errors as possible. That’s because people judge the quality of your content by how well-written it is. If it’s riddled with errors – even if the information is solid – PLR consumers aren’t going to buy it. They don’t want to spend time correcting errors that they could be using to tweak the content in other ways (such as to match their unique writing voice).

Evergreen Content

Another factor you’ll want to take into consideration is whether your content is evergreen. That means it should be time-tested information that seems as fresh and relevant today as it will in a year from now. Evergreen content makes it easier for your buyers to upload content on their blogs and to their autoresponders, sell your content, and so on without having to constantly update it.

Here are examples of things to avoid:

· Anything that will date the content, such as referring to a month, year, season, or even a news event. E.G., don’t say “it’s almost bikini season,” because that won’t make sense to people if they’re reading it in October.

· Referring to anything as “new.” For example, if you’re promoting a course in the content, don’t refer to it as a “new” course. If the course has been around for a year and someone sees content that refers to it as “new,” they’ll know the content isn’t fresh. (And chances are, your PLR buyer will delete this reference anyway.)

· Mentioning anything that’s untested or a fad. For example, don’t share information about fads (even if you don’t refer to them as “new”). That’s because a fad, such as a fad diet, may lose favor within months, which will date the content.

Here’s a related note…

Content That Doesn’t Need Much Tweaking

Creating evergreen, well-written and fact-checked content means your buyers don’t need to tweak it too much. You’ll also want to look at your content with a critical eye to be sure that anyone can sell it without tweaking it. For example, do you tell a personal story in the content? If so, remove it (and perhaps retell it in a way that makes it easy for anyone to claim they created the content).

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to continue with your writing in order to create at least another 1/8 of your content.


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