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31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 10 - Plan a Profitable Sales Funnel


31 Days to Profitable Membership Sites: Day 10 - Plan a Profitable Sales Funnel

We’ve been talking about what sort of content to include in your membership site, in terms of both monthly content and bonuses. Now we’re going to take a step back and look at the big picture. Namely, we’re going to look at your overall sales funnel.

Here’s why: you should never develop a product in isolation. Instead, you should take into consideration how you’re going to get your prospects into your sales funnel, how you’re going to turn them into buyers, and then what else you’re going to sell to your existing buyers.

Typically, your sales funnel is going to look like this:

Lead magnet -> tripwire offer -> core offer -> backend offers

A typical membership site may fall into different categories, depending on your goals. For example, it might be:

· A tripwire offer. This works best if you have a vault-style membership site that you’re offering for a really good deal. For example, if you’re offering access for $15 to $20, then a vault site may serve as a tripwire offer to turn browsers into buyers.

· A core offer. A monthly membership site or fixed-term membership site makes a good a core offer.

· A backend offer. Let’s suppose you’re selling something like a marketing course as your core offer. You might then sell PLR memberships on the backend, as a way for your customers to quickly and easily acquire the content they need to generate and convert traffic.

So, let me give you a couple examples of how you might create a sales funnel around your membership site.

Let’s suppose you’re selling weight-loss PLR content. Here’s what your sales funnel may look like:

· Lead magnet: a report on how to use PLR content for maximum benefit.

· Tripwire offer: a weight-loss report with PLR licensing.

· Core offer: memberships for your PLR weight-loss membership site, where you provide your members with a new weight-loss product to sell every month.

· Backend offer: additional weight-loss PLR content, such as a PLR course on how to lose the last stubborn 10 pounds and keep it off.

Here’s another example, this time with two different memberships as part of the sales funnel. Let’s suppose you’re selling online marketing information with private label rights. Here’s what your sales funnel may look like:

· Lead magnet: A report with PLR licensing that gives readers an overview of the different ways to generate traffic.

· Tripwire offer: Access to a vault-style membership site that includes all sorts of traffic-generation reports with private label licensing rights. E.G., SEO report, a social media marketing report, a blogging report, etc.

· Core offer: A monthly membership site that includes enough content to allow your members to set up their own traffic-generation membership sites.

· Backend offer: an offer for unique “done for you” content on any topic related to traffic generation.

Those are just a couple examples to get you thinking about your sales funnel. The point is, you need to plan out your entire sales funnel as you’re developing your PLR membership site. Once you’ve developed the materials for your membership site, then you can start developing the materials for the rest of your sales funnel.

TODAY’S TASK: Your task today is to plan out your sales funnel. How will you get prospects onto your mailing list? How will you turn your browsers into buyers? Where in your sales funnel will this membership site fit in?


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