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Finding Profitable Ideas for Writing Non-Fiction Books

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How comfortable are you with coming up with profitable ideas for info products? You’re reading an info product right now, and it was inspired by the needs of people just like you. Info products can be sold as digital e-books on your own website or through a platform like Kindle – but we’ll go more in depth about Kindle specifically later on.

People buy info products because they want to learn something or need information on how to solve a problem they have. Usually, they aren’t buying info products to be entertained. They have a goal in mind and the info product is a means to an end. You bought this info product because you want to be more profitable in business and not struggle to find successful ideas. Why are people going to buy your info product?

It helps to understand the info product market specifically. I suggest you go to digital marketplaces like ClickBank, JVZoo, and WarriorPlus. These three sites, among others, house a ton of successful info products.

These sites share their best-seller lists with you and in some cases, show you almost exactly how many copies have been sold. This can be very valuable information and can help you generate your own profitable ideas because you'll be following the clues of success. There’s no reason to guess when it comes to info products. The data is right there at your fingertips.

But you can’t release an info product simply because it’s based on a hot topic. For one thing, you need to think about your credibility. The products you create should be helpful and you have to be entirely truthful about what you present.

So while info products on how to train Poodle puppies might be really popular on ClickBank right now, that doesn’t mean you should write a book on it. It’s going to take you longer if you don’t have the knowledge and expertise to do a really good job with the project.

At the same time, you should never say never because you can do some excellent research or hire or interview an expert to help you complete the info product if you really want to. But in general, you’ll want to go with what you know and excel at. It will be much easier for you to create products and to speak to the audience.

The point is, you can’t be a fake or people will see right through you and you won’t become profitable anyway. But, if you do have a true interest then there’s nothing stopping you from learning and becoming part of whichever niche it is, very quickly.

With that said, you have to remember the execution of the product. Are you going to be miserable trying to create a product on a topic you despise, simply because that topic has been profitable for others? Probably. You likely won’t follow through. Your lack of passion will probably be very apparent to the audience as well.

Instead, focus on what’s profitable, what you already have knowledge and expertise about, and what stirs the passion in you as well as in your audience. That’s a surefire recipe for success when it comes to the info-product business.

Which non-fiction info-products (ebooks, courses, videos, audios, etc.) are doing really well in your niche right now? What has the competition come out with lately that’s selling like gangbusters? Use that as your starting point for brainstorming.

If you’ve released info products in the past, think about what was successful for you and why. Is it that you tapped into the right topic at the right time, and can lightning strike twice? Release a 2.0 version of your very best product. Or, release a product that’s very closely related and complementary to the one that was really successful.

If you’re unsure of a topic, start small and build from there. Maybe release a simple report, even a teaser, to see if the interest is there. You can build that topic up into a full info product or even a full course later on. It’s always a good idea to test the market.

Also, think about building a name for yourself. What do you want people to think of when they think of you and your business? Along with the idea being profitable, you need to establish a name for yourself as an authority. Specializing in a certain topic or type of content can ensure you’re profitable, every time. This kind of authority builds up over time, but it’s never too soon to start planning your own success.

Set goals for yourself. What do you want to become known for, and by when? Keep a running list of your goals and plans. Also, keep a running list of your product ideas.

People often expect that these ideas will come only when you’re solidly concentrating on coming up with them. It’s actually the opposite that’s usually true. Your best ideas will come to you when you’re taking a walk, in the shower, in your car, or very often you’ll wake up with them in the middle of the night. They’ll also often come to you when you’re in a mastermind with others.

Take yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes. There’s a certain element of risk that comes along with trying new things and executing new ideas. At the same time, following the trail of success takes a lot of the doubt away. It’s a nice feeling knowing that you’re releasing products people are going to snap up like hot cakes whenever you come out with them.

By the way, if you’ve never released info products before, I think you’ll find that it gets pretty exciting when you’re building on what already works. You can follow hot trends or stick to evergreen topics— all you need is a built in audience that’s used to spending money. Look at the marketplace for those products that are selling well and release your own, related (but better) products that are going to sell like crazy, too.

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