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Finding Profitable Ideas for Writing Non-Fiction And Kindle Books


Finding profitable ideas for Kindle books is different than finding them for physical products or finding them for regular info products. Amazon is its own eco-system. You’ll be amazed at what sells well on Amazon that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to easily sell on your own.

The beauty of Amazon is that they’ll do a lot of the marketing for you. As a note of caution-- they’ll only promote your work if it’s a proven seller. If it is, they’ll link it to similar books and recommend it on other product pages. Amazon really knows what they’re doing when it comes to maximizing profits.

When it comes to publishing on Kindle, you really do have to follow the trail of success. You’ll be self-published, so you won’t have the marketing muscle so many authors have. Of course, these days more and more publishers are leaving the marketing to their authors anyway. You may as well go it alone on Kindle so you have the best possible chance of success and can maximize your profits.

To determine what’s selling well on Kindle, you need to analyze the Kindle bestseller lists for your genre. Look for the genre fiction lists if you write fiction and the genre non-fiction lists if you want to write non-fiction. If you’re looking for faster profits, you might choose non-fiction. If you’re looking for a larger chunk of the book buying marketing in the long term, fiction might be more your thing. There’s profit in either.

Browse through the Kindle bestselling lists for whichever category interests you. Then, narrow things down among the categories and subcategories that Amazon offers- there are many of them. Once you’ve chosen a category, click on the bestselling titles. Are they selling well? Are they, too, self-published?

You can tell something is selling well on Amazon by looking at its sales rank-- the lower the better. Generally, for Kindle, an overall sales rank of under 20,000 is great. Under 10,000 is even better.

Can you write a book on the topics that are selling well? If you can, then you have an excellent chance of succeeding with your own Kindle book. It’s actually pretty easy to find profitable ideas on Kindle because Amazon makes it so clear what’s selling... if you know what to look for.

There are other ways you can generate profitable ideas for Kindle, of course. For instance, stay on top of what’s happening in the news. What are people desperate to learn more about? You can piggyback on what’s going on in the world, what’s being talked about on major talk shows, and more. You can earn money quickly with Kindle if you pay attention to the trends.

Amazon also reveals what’s on the list to be published soon, by month. Take a look at what the major publishers are banking on. Big publishers spend a lot of time and money on the books they publish (and they publish so few). You can usually feel pretty safe using those ideas as a starting point simply because so much effort has already been spent on determining profitability.

By the way, you’ve probably noticed a common theme by this point. You aren’t on your own when it comes to great ideas. All the data is out there. You just have to know how to find it and what to do once you’re inspired by it.

As a final note in this Kindle section, don’t get discouraged if your first book doesn’t sell like crazy. Most Kindle authors notice that it’s not until they have at least a few books out on Kindle that things start happening for them. As with anything online, don't let the lack of instant profitability make you feel like there’s no hope. Sometimes, it’s a waiting game.

There’s a difference between playing “the waiting game” with an idea you have no idea is profitable and playing the waiting game after you’ve established that the idea is most likely to be profitable. I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the latter any day of the week.


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