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Your Free Products

Let's talk more about what your free products will consist of. Once again, I cannot tell you specifically what to create that will really wow people. What I can do is help guide you through the process so you're sure to come up with a great idea no one else has ever thought of. This is very exciting and it will take your business to profitable new levels.

Now You Know the Model, Here's the "How"

Now you know the model and the aim of what you should be doing. Next, were going to go a little more in depth. This is the how of your marketing funnel, starting from a place of free. You are going to be setting up your free products, your paid products, your core products, your high-end products, and your coaching program, if that suits your business model.

There is no one-size-fits-all business model. All I can tell you is what has worked for me and what I believe will work best for the majority of people reading this. Always test and track new things. Stay on top of trends and don't be afraid to try new things that no one else has ever tried before. It's always a good thing to be different, to stir things up, and even to create some controversy. You want people to talk about what you have to offer and for it to really help them.

Creating Free Products

It's really not that difficult to create free products. I don't mean for this to sound at all mysterious. You can literally type up a short report that is different from anything else on the market and have it out and ready today.

A product that really wow’s people doesn't need to be long or incredibly comprehensive. It just needs to be different, creative, and really helpful. It has to fill a need that no one else is filling. As long as it fits that criteria, it could be a page long. Or it could be 200 pages long. It needs to be whatever it needs to be.

You can also record audios for your free products, or videos. Why not record a really helpful, entertaining, and innovative YouTube video and release it today? Do something—try something.

Some of the things that you release will really take off and others won't. Some will take off now and some will take off in the future. Your goal is to create awesome free products that you think have a solid chance of really helping people and being different.

From there, people will discover your marketing funnel through your free products. That’s why it’s important to have many of them out there. These will all act as feelers for you, growing your list and business over time in a hands-off way for you.

Create Two Versions: One Free and One Paid

One suggestion I have for you is to create two versions of some of your products. This may not work for everyone, but it is something to consider. You can create one free version and one paid version. The paid version will be an upgrade of the free version. The free version will fulfill the promise you made and really help people. But the paid version will be there for people who are ready to upgrade.

It's one thing to get people to purchase related products, but you can get even higher conversions if you get people to upgrade the same product. That's because they are already in the flow of that product. They have already made a commitment to need it and have found that it’s really helped them. Many people will go on to upgrade, especially if the upgraded price is reasonable and offers clear value. Once again, consider the Spotify business model. The free version rocks, but the paid version is for true music fans.

You're not in the music business, most likely, but it's always a good idea to look at what businesses in other industries are doing to see how you might apply the same principles to your own business. In fact, this is one of the best ways to be innovative in your business. Your competition is probably only looking at what others in your niche are doing. If you look outside of the box, it will give your brain fodder to be even more creative.

Taking What You Have and Creating Something New

Don’t think you have to completely start from scratch. You can even take a look at what you already have and consider ways you can make it even better. What have you released in the past that people really responded to?

Can you update it or add to it? Then, you can release it for free. You have the social proof of those who had success with it before as well as the proof that it was worth a true monetary value.

There's never a need to reinvent the wheel. The way we are most creative is by connecting our own ideas with the ideas of others. Take what you already have and create something new so you can start releasing your free stable of products very quickly. You'll be amazed at what fresh eyes can do to an old product and how you can squeeze more of a solid reputation and a larger following out of work you've already done.

Things You Can Give Away Free

So, what are some things you can give away for free? Evaluate what you currently have in your product base. Take a look at the great articles or blog posts you’ve released in the past that got a lot of attention. There are no doubt ways to turn these great works into a free giveaway that will garner you a lot of attention.

You never know where lightning is going to strike. But you've no doubt had lightning strike with something you've done in the past. Use that as your starting point, if you're having trouble deciding what you'll be able to give away for free. And remember, you're not just going to have one thing available for free; you are really going to blow your market away by giving solid content away for free on a regular basis. You are going to monetize this free content with great upgrades and entry into your solid product funnel as well.

Put away thoughts of freebie seekers, because I know they might be creeping in again. If you make it clear that you are all about providing value, and you get people addicted to your content, both free and paid, you won't have any trouble with that at all.

You can read the remainder of this post or download it in PDF format here.


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