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How to Dominate The Web with Free Content


Here's an overview plan for dominating the web with free content. I'm giving you an entire business model here. Every step is covered, from attracting people to your list to getting them to take advantage of your high end offers. What follows is a rundown of what we've covered, along with some additional thoughts to really help you run with this.

Assess What You Have Now

First, assess what you have right now. If you already have free offers, consider how you can make them better. Are they really working well for you? What could you do to improve their perceived value? What could you do to spread news of what you have to offer to an even wider audience?

It's always a good idea to take stock of your business every once in a while, but now you're doing it with a whole new mindset. You’re doing it from an abundance mindset – you want to spread a lot of good in the world. You want to help as many people as possible.

You also want to make sure that your marketing funnel is set up in the right way. You’re first going to wow people with your free content, develop a relationship with them, give them everything they need to succeed, and then provide them with exactly what they need and want in the form of low-end and high-end offers, as well as personalization. You are what sets your business apart from every other marketer out there – use that to shape your business.

Have Goals and Targets in Mind

It's also essential to have goals and targets in mind. How many subscribers do you hope to gather in the next weeks and months? As you brainstorm what your next free campaign will be, how many people do you want to reach? How many of those free leads do you want to turn into buyers? I suggest you map your business – from the freebies you will come out with over the next several months to the paid products and services you will come out with over the next several months. Plan how you're going to address the needs of the people in your niche. Have goals and targets in mind and develop a roadmap that you can follow to success.

Dive Deep Into Your Niche

You really have to dive deep into your niche. If you haven't done much niche research, or haven’t really become part of the community of your niche, now is the time to start.

You should be networking with other thought leaders and experts in your niche. You should also work on becoming the go-to person for whatever people need and want in your niche.

Join forums and membership sites related to your niche, both free and paid. Start your own Facebook group, Skype group, or LinkedIn group. Join the ones that are already out there. Communicate on social media and through your blog.

You need to become a cornerstone of your niche. When people think of an expert in your niche, they need to think of you. That means you need to be everywhere. You should know what is going on first. Most importantly of all, you should really get to know the people in your niche.

Provide What People Need

As you think of what you're going to offer for free, think about what people really need. But go beyond that – think about what they need but don't know they need. Consider how you can use sales language in a way that will showcase the benefits of what you have to offer. Remember that people don't really want your free products – they want the benefit and value your free products can provide to them.

WOW Them!!

You’re not going to make much headway unless you really wow the people in your audience. They should have never seen anything like the freebie you are offering. Whether it's a large package, a freebie delivered in a different way, or unique angle that they can't get anywhere else.

Once people have downloaded your freebie, their jaw should drop open with the value. You want to over deliver and really help people. Keep the mindset that you want to help as many people as possible, even if many of them never go on to buy anything from you. This abundance mindset will help you grow your business and put the focus where it needs to be.

Make a Splash

Remember what we talked about when it comes to making a splash in your market. You want to become the go to expert who is known for providing a ton of value. Think of some way you can make a splash and do things differently from everyone else. How can you get some buzz going about your business and your offers? How can you tease people with a mystery or get them to enjoy your marketing so much that they willingly pass it along to others? You need to really be different and exciting.

Give a Lot Free

I also want to make it clear that I'm not telling you to just develop one free product or offer. I want you to give a lot free. I know I've mentioned it before, but I give a lot of myself for my free Facebook group. This is the value that I choose to provide to the world. It's different from what a lot of marketers do – many would charge a monthly fee for the same value. But this is how I have won over many people in my audience. I love to help people and I've gotten an incredible boost to my customer base as a result. What can you give for free? Continuously test and track new ideas and try to think outside the box.

Give People Ample Opportunities to Buy

You have to avoid losing yourself in continuously giving free content without ever giving people an opportunity to buy. But, also consider how long Twitter and Facebook went without making a dime. Sometimes, you really have to win over your audience before the real money starts rolling in.

The other way of thinking about this is that few marketers are willing to spend their time and energy wooing people with free content, offers, and opportunities without earning a cent in return, until the time is right.

But, if you put the time and energy in now, it can pay off big time for you in the future. Just think of all the free social sites, content, apps, and more that didn't make any money at first but are now worth millions or billions. Provide people value and win over an audience and you are set for life.

You can read the remainder of this post or download it in PDF format here.


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