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Sell More Method 7: Niche Social Media Domination


If you want to sell more and get more subscribers, you have to be everywhere. In today's web, "everywhere" means being present on social media. Social media is so incredibly popular for every niche that it’s extremely important for you to make the best use of it so you can dominate your niche.

If you haven't yet started using social media for your business, you're really missing out. If you have started using it, then you’d better make sure you're utilizing it in the best possible way. That means checking in every day, joining in the conversation, and becoming a leader in the most important communities on the web.

We’re lucky that it's very easy to be visible and build your brand these days. But, you have to be very active and aware of your strategy. Some people just hop on social media sites every day, waste hours at a time, and use it haphazardly. Then they declare that social media “doesn’t work” and “is a waste of time.” If you’ve caught yourself saying these things, it’s time for a reality check.

Just as with anything you do in marketing, you have to be very strategic. That's what the naysayers are missing out on. You have to use social media correctly, with goals and strategies in mind.

Again, it helps to be present on social media just about every day, if not every day. For example, I post a daily topic on my free Facebook group. I share this topic every day and it really gets the conversation going. I share early in the morning so people can comment on it throughout the day. This keeps them present on my community every day, keeps the group active and going, and gives everyone focus. And while they’re there inside the group, many of the members will start threads of their own with questions and insights that are helpful to all.

There are a lot of options as far as what you can focus on when it comes to social media. I personally focus most of my time on Facebook because I get the most benefit out of it and find it easiest to build relationships there. There are certainly many other options out there, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and so many more. You can certainly focus on whatever appeals to you the most and gives you the biggest benefit. Which social media site is best is a strategy thing, a niche thing, and a personality thing. Just figure out what works and what you like.

You should pay attention to where your niche tends to congregate. Internet marketers, which is my niche, is all over Twitter and Facebook. But I find that the most networking and partnering gets done on Facebook. This is where the real one-on-one communication can take place, and the real group atmosphere can take place. So I prefer Facebook over Twitter, certainly. But for some niches, Twitter might be the best option to focus on.

What is best for your niche? Figure it out and put your focus on that. It might be that you want to participate evenly across a couple of them until you get a feel for what you prefer and that's totally fine as well. On the other hand, you might immediately find that you prefer one over the other and that's fine as well.

One of the most important things is that you have a plan for what you'll do on social media each day. You can’t get caught in the social media whirlwind where you’re following link after link and it has nothing to do with building your business. It's so easy to start the day on social media and end up there, having gotten nothing done. So many people report that this happens to them day after day. It's really costing you money and it has to stop.

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