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Growing You Business The 5 x 10 Way

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The 5X10 30 Day Action Plan

I'm going to give you a sample plan for implementing the 5X10 method successfully over the next 30 days. You don't have to follow this exactly. I've included two sample plans, actually, to hopefully accommodate all types of working schedules and availability.

Take these ideas and create your own plan based on what you see here. The point is that this will hopefully inspire you to create amazing amounts of incredible content that will dramatically change your business over the next 30 days, and beyond.

Again, I've provided two sample plans here. Choose the one that falls in line with what's best for your business.

The Full Time 5X10 Schedule

The full time schedule works in chunks of 3 days. You'll work on one content type for 3 days. You'll work on another content type and series of 10 over the following 3 days. Then another type of content after that. And so on until you've created 50 pieces of content over 15 days. You'll repeat the cycle after that.

By the end of it, you'll have created 100 pieces of content over the period of a month.

Do you think 100 pieces of content can transform your business? I'm sure it can. Again, this is a full time schedule. Unless you're well versed in creating content, it will be difficult for you to get this much done just part time. That's okay-- steady wins the race.

It's okay if you don't want to create all the different types of content either. You can create 100 articles and blog posts. Or 100 podcasts and videos. It's up to you. Do what works for you.

How does re-purposing fit into this? Work that into the schedule, depending on what you figure out about your current content assets and the content assets you create over the next month.

Day 1- Plan and research for content type 1.

Day 2- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 1.

Day 3- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 1.

Day 4- Plan and research for content type 2.

Day 5- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 2.

Day 6- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 2.

Day 7- Plan and research for content type 3.

Day 8- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 3.

Day 9- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 3.

Day 10- Plan and research for content type 4.

Day 11- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 4.

Day 12- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 4.

Day 13- Plan and research for content type 5.

Day 14- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

Day 15- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

Day 16- Plan and research for content type 1.

Day 17- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

Day 18- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

Day 19- Plan and research for content type 2.

Day 20- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 2.

Day 21- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 2.

Day 22- Plan and research for content type 3.

Day 23- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 3.

Day 24- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 3.

Day 25- Plan and research for content type 4.

Day 26- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 4.

Day 27- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 4.

Day 28- Plan and research for content type 5.

Day 29- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

Day 30- Create 5 pieces of content for content type 5.

There you have it -- a sure fire plan for creating 100 pieces of content working full time in a month. And really, if we're being honest, you can create more than this in a month once you're well practiced at creating content.

If you're wondering what you should do during "research and planning" days... It means exactly that. Research and find great information and data. Research into your market. Get to know your audience and what the competition is doing.

It can also really help you if you plan and research all of your content. You don't want to just sit down and try to create content. You will be disorganized and it's likely to take much, much longer than it needs to take.

If you have an outline in front of you, it will go much more smoothly. You'll be able to create very high quality content with ease because all your thinking has been done ahead of time. Try it - You'll find it really helps.

Take advantage of those thinking, planning, and outlining days. You'll be able to sit down and create massive amounts of great content on your content creation days.

You can read the remainder of this post or download it in PDF format here.


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