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Step 1: Content Creation


The most popular forms of content are blog posts, articles, and short videos.

How to write a blog post

To write a blog post, start by writing a title that tells what you are going to teach in the blog post, for example, "How to Write a Blog Post." Then tell why you are writing the blog post and what you are going to teach in the blog post. For example:

In this blog post, I am going to teach you how to write a blog post. The reason I am writing this is because many of my clients have asked me about how to write a blog post, and writing a blog post is an easy way to start the process of getting web traffic online.

Then write the steps to doing whatever the blog post is going to teach. For example:

To write a blog post, you will write a title, a first paragraph, then each of the main points. Conclude your blog post with a resource box that leads readers to discover more of your content online.

Next, list each of the steps and how to do each step. For example:

1) Write a title. To write the title, tell the reader what you are going to teach in the blog post.

2) Write a first paragraph. Tell why you are writing the blog post and what you are going to teach in the blog post.

3) Write main points. For each step that might be required to accomplish what you are teaching in the blog post, write directions for doing that step.

4) Write a resource box. The resource box is where you lead readers of your blog post to other instances of your content online. An example of an effective resource box is this:

By the way, do you want to learn more about (topic of blog post)? If so, go to my website and download my free guide, how to (topic of blog post): (link to website).

And do you want to read more blog posts like this about similar topics? If so, go here (URL to another blog) to read more of my articles.

Once you have written your blog post, include a resource box as described in the sample blog post above.

Writing blog posts like I have just modeled is a simple process, as I've just demonstrated. It is easy to do, and as long as you know your topic (as you should if you are building a business around it) the words should come naturally. It should only take a few minutes to write a single blog post, so you should be able to write several blog posts per day easily.

How to write an article

To write an article, follow the exact directions for writing a blog post. There is no difference between an article and a blog post the way I have described writing the blog post. The only difference is that in theory an article would be posted on a non-blog website, and a blog post would be posted on a . . . blog.

How to create a video

To create a video, buy a video recorder, and record yourself teaching someone using the same formula as you would use for writing a blog post. The only difference is that you are speaking the words instead of writing the words. In other words, you will tell the viewer what you are going to teach on and why it is important, then tell the reader how to do what you are teaching on, then at the end give a verbal resource box - for example:

By the way, do you want to learn more about (topic of video)? If so, go to my website (give URL) and download my free guide (how to do [topic of video]). For more videos like this, subscribe to my video channel (for example, YouTube channel).

Additional notes on content formula

Notice that the formula for creating all of these forms of content is the same, they are just called something different based on the media or location, and they are delivered differently. You can use the same formula for recording audios, writing pdf guides, or even short books like this (notice this book is organized the same way - I told you what and why I was teaching about advanced article marketing, I gave you the steps for doing it, and at the end of this book I am going to tell you where you can go to get more training on this topic if you want it. The only difference is that a blog post might be a few hundred words long; this book is a few thousand words long).

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