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How to Make Your Articles Extremely Readable

Writer's picture:

One of the easiest ways to make your articles more readable is to write them with the same language and tone of voice you would use if you were chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. Your articles should not read like legal briefs or treatises; instead they should be very easy to read and should flow comfortably.

There is no reason online to try to use a huge vocabulary or long sentences. In fact, the opposite is true. The computer screen is hard enough to read on its own; there is no good reason to use a big vocabulary or long, hard-to-decipher sentences.

I like to think that I am explaining a concept or idea to a friend of mine over a glass of iced tea in a rocking chair on my back porch, watching the sun go down in the evening. How is that for a picture? Give yourself that kind of feeling when you are writing, and your articles should flow much more smoothly.

Also, when you are writing – just write, don’t edit as you go. Write down what comes naturally to your mind, without regard for how it sounds, and then you can edit it later. Generally if you write naturally, as you think the thoughts, they will tend to be more comfortable and easy to read.

Patience Is The Key To Success

Article marketing is not about getting rich quick; in fact it is much the opposite. There is nothing about article marketing that happens quickly. The effects, although extremely powerful, are tediously slow to occur. Still, once you start to see results, they tend to last over time. What that means for me is that work I do today produces results for me tomorrow, next week, and next month.

Are you committed to doing whatever it takes to become successful online? The internet, contrary to so much of the hype online, is not one big get-rich-quick scheme. Anything you do online that is really worth doing, is something that will take time to build. Again, one of the nice things about working online is that once you build something solid online, it tends to re-produce continually without much outside intervention.

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