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Here's a Great Idea To Get More Done...

...and with less procrastination and less stress. It's something that will make your life and your business easier while allowing you to enjoy major progress each and every month. Best of all, it's really, really simple. Here it is:

Focus on only one thing each month.

Whatever your end goal, each month you should have only ONE major target that you want to hit. Think about it – if you're trying to hit several different targets at once, the odds of you hitting any of them is greatly reduced because you don't have the time or the focus needed.

But if you have just one major (ie: profit generating) target, you'll be laser focused on reaching that target the entire month. There will be no distractions and no excuses. In fact, there's a very good chance you will reach your goal ahead of schedule, in which case you can start on the next one.

At the end of a year you'll have at least 12 major things you've accomplished. Think back – have you accomplished 12 major things in the previous year? If you haven't, it's likely because you weren't focused. You've been 'busy,' but you haven't been accomplishing those things that will produce income.

But by using this simple technique you'll remove the stress of trying to go in multiple directions at once. And it will turn you into a highly effective goal-getter by allowing you to focus 100% your brain power and your efforts on only the most important goal.

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