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8 'About Us' Page "Ah-Ha's!"


Perhaps the most neglected and least understood page on any website is the "About Me" page, that page that introduces you, your team and your business to the world in general. Here's the thing: Your "About Me" page is valuable real estate, and you should put as much effort into it as you do your sales pages. Why? Because your "About Me" is selling the most important thing of all - why your prospects should become your paying customers. From Unbounce comes a great article on how to best optimize your "About Us" page, and here I'm including my biggest "Ah-ha!" take-away's for your reading pleasure: 1. Inform, inspire and nudge them to take an action. Whoa - and you thought throwing in a paragraph or two about how and why you got started would suffice. Informing, inspiring and calls to action sound like real copywriting, don't they? And they are - your 'about us' page can be one of the most valuable pieces of virtual real estate on your site. 2. Be interesting. Think about the most interesting people you know. Who do they talk about? YOU, that's who. Anyone who prattles on about themselves without coming up for air is boring. But if they talk about themselves in a context that's all about you, every word they utter is fascinating. For example, instead of: "We're very proud of our new million dollar state of the art shipping facility," say "Our shipping team is all about getting your order shipped the very same day we receive it, accurately and safely so you get your products quickly and in one piece." 3. Make it personal. People want to see who they're dealing with, whether it's a one person operation or a large company. In the above example I used "shipping team," but if the team is small I would call them by name, and in either case I would definitely include a photo of the shipping team with a caption that shows their names and what they do. 4. Make your "About Us" headlines all about your customer. For example, "We Believe Giving You Great Service and Outstanding Products Will Bring You Back For More." This conveys what you do in terms of benefiting your customer, and why you do it in terms of your own interests which makes it that much more believable. 5. Fuse emotional storytelling into your page. Emotional storytelling releases chemicals in the brain of the recipient that can increase the likelihood they'll do business with you. 6. Tell them what to do. After you give visitors a multitude of reasons to believe in you and your products, take them by the hand and show them what to do next, whether it's sign up to your email list, purchase your product, call you, etc. 7. Keep it simple. And clean. A cluttered 'about me' page isn't helpful and it's not memorable. Break up your 'about me' page copy into small, easily digestible chunks. Use sub-heads to keep the eyes flowing. Don't scrunch copy together in a small space. Use photos with captions. Make it easy to read and fun to digest. 8. Use humor and your personality. Forget dull, dry and boring. Make it real, like an actual human being is talking to them and interacting with them. Use interesting photos, especially of yourself, your customers and your workers. Bottom line: Invest time and effort into making your 'about me' page an ambassador for your business that makes your customers feel good about you and most of all, that makes them want to do business with you.

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