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How to Make Money With Google Trends


Did you know that you can get all the targeted traffic you want if you learn to work closely with Google trends? The trick is in monetizing the traffic, but if you pick the right niche monetization will come almost naturally. And this Google Trends technique is great for someone who loves to create content around a variety of topics and who enjoys quickly moving from one hot story to another. So for those people who have adult attention deficit, this might be the perfect business idea because your topics will be changing daily.

Here's how it works: First, choose a fairly generic URL. A good choice is one that is short, catchy and doesn't lean towards any particular niche. Yahoo and Google come to mind as great examples.

You're going to be using Wordpress for your website, so go ahead and install that. You can monetize with Google Adsense, Amazon or any method you choose. Download a free Wordpress social toolbar and add it to your website.

Set up a new Facebook, Twitter and Google+ account for your new website. You want to position yourself as someone who reports on news on a daily basis – that's why you want these new accounts. No doubt your old accounts are being used for something else, and you don't want to confuse the two. The sole focus of your new accounts is to report news and insights on the news. Once you've got your new social accounts, connect them all with

Now then, go to and see what's hot today. It's best to be on the site as soon as it updates so that you can move quickly, because time is of the essence. Waiting a few hours or a day can cost you a lot of traffic and potential profit. The sooner you can create content on a hot topic, the more traffic you can get.

Choose trending topics that have longer keyword phrases, as they will be easier to rank for. For example, on the day I'm writing this, NASCAR and 'Limo Fire' are both hot. I'd choose limo fire because it will likely be easier to rank for. Yesterday "May the Fourth be With You" and "Emmett Till" were trending. I would choose the first one, it's longer.

Of course, your choices will also depend on what you feel comfortable covering. Celebrities, hot news and anything controversial are good topics to write about. Think National Enquirer and you'll get the idea.

Choose your keyword and do some research so you know what you're going to write about. Then write 500 to 1000 words on the topic. This should be highly digestible, readable content that people will enjoy and appreciate. This doesn't have to be simply informative – you can give your own opinions and insights to make it unique and sharable on social media.

Each time you add a new post, share it on your social platforms. The more sharing you do, the more followers you'll get, and the more your content will be shared. And the fresher and more timely your content, the more it will be shared on these social medias.

This is a simple business model but it works really well. You can generate a lot of traffic by using this exact method and you can monetize with CPA banners, Adsense, Amazon, etc.

Personally, I recommend leaving all of the advertising off for at least the first couple of weeks. Focus on building your traffic first, and once the traffic is flowing go ahead and test different methods of monetization. Don't clutter your whole site with ads – keep your site looking professional, not cheap.

You aren't limited to Google Trends. You can also get news from the major websites and write about that as well. But do choose one Google Trend Hot Topic each day because that way you can be certain that you will be hitting topics that are being searched for a great deal.

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