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How to Make the RIGHT Decisions


Where ever you are in life, you’re there because of the series of decisions you’ve made in the past. If you’re not happy with where you are, then chances are you’ve made some poor decisions in the past.

Example: Most people who’re overweight are carrying those extra pounds because they made a series of decisions to eat too much or to eat the wrong thing. This wasn’t a one-time decision, but rather a series of decisions carried out over time.

Likewise, those who’re fit tend to be that way because they made a series of good decisions.

Example: Every morning when the alarm goes off, they have the option to stay in bed… or go to the gym. And if they keep choosing the gym, then over time these decisions will be reflected in their leaner, healthier body.

That’s just one example. However, you’re making decisions all the time that affect not only the present moment, but they’re going to affect that your business and life are going to be like in the future. And what’s why you need to learn how to make the R.I.G.H.T. decisions, which include:

R – Research

I – Investment

G – Guidance

H – Hindsight

T – Thought

Let’s take a closer look at each of these components…

1. Research

You have a decision to make. Your first step is to figure out all your possible options. And in order to do this, you need to spend some time researching all these possible options, solutions or answers.

There are multiple ways to uncover your options, but of course it really depends on what kind or problem you have or what type of decision you need to make.

Here are a few possibilities:

  • Ask for a variety of opinions. You can do this offline with friends and family. Or you can do it online through forums, social media or other appropriate niche communities.

  • Google it. You can bet if you have a problem or decision to make, plenty of others have had that same problem – and you can probably discover your options by Googling it.

  • Read a book on it. If it’s a fairly big problem or decision, then you’ll probably find books on the topic. Check a bookstore like Amazon, where you can even instantly download a Kindle book.

2. Investment

Your next step is to take a closer look at the options you uncovered.

Now assess these options honestly, asking yourself which ones will require the least investment of your time, your money or other resources.

Generally, with all things being equal, the easiest, "path of least resistance" should be considered among your top options.

3. Guidance

Earlier I suggested that one way to uncover your options is to ask for other’s opinions. Now you can take this a step forward and not just seek out options, but request guidance in helping you choose the right option for you.

Generally, you’ll be seeking out someone who’s qualified to give you an informed answer. Depending on what you’re asking and who you’re asking, you may need to pay a consultation fee.

This is why it’s good to uncover your options first. That way, you only need to pay to have someone help guide you to the best option, rather than paying someone to explain all the options to you.

Example: If you’re looking for guidance as to whether you should operate as a sole proprietor or whether to incorporate your business as an S-Corp or an LLC, then you should consult with an attorney in order to get the most qualified advice.

In other cases, you may not need to turn to a paid professional.

Example: If you’re interested in getting a dog, you may talk to a knowledgeable friend to help determine what kind of dog is right for you.

4. Hindsight

They say hindsight is 20/20. And that’s why your next step is to look to your past. Ask yourself what worked and what didn’t work. And then ask yourself how you can apply these lessons to the current decision.

Example: Let’s suppose you’re trying to lose weight. And let’s suppose that you almost always see some success, get complacent and go off your diet. In that case, you need to make sure you don’t get complacent this time, so perhaps you’ll:

  • Make a lifestyle change rather than going on a temporary diet. That’s because some diets are nearly impossible to follow for an extended period of time.

  • Get an accountability partner. This is someone who’ll help you avoid complacency.

In other words, learn from your past mistakes and successes so that you can make the best choice today.

5. Thought

Now that you’ve uncovered and evaluated all of your options, your next step is to think about your decision. Ask yourself, what is the most “logical” course of action?

Naturally, that’s going to depend on what type of decision you’re making. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:

  • Which of your options will give you 80% of the solution for 20% of the effort? (The 80/20 rule.)

  • Which of your options will produce the best results in the shortest amount of time?

  • Which of your options will produce the best results while having minimal impact on other factors? (Each decision creates a ripple effect, those these ripples can be positive or negative.)


It’s so simple: If you want to change your life, then you need to start making better decisions. And while you can certainly commit to making better decisions, you’ll only truly be able to do this once you start making the R.I.G.H.T. decisions as outlined above.

No, you don’t have to go through this process for small decisions (like whether to eat grapefruit or eat an orange with your breakfast), but you should use this system to help you make the bigger decisions (the ones that are going to have bigger consequences in your future).

That’s right! J Start making better decisions today, and see if you don’t have a better tomorrow.

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