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How to Sell 500 Copies of Your Next Product

If you're already a prolific product creator and seller, then you might pick up a couple of tips here. But if you've never produced a product that sold 500 copies in the first couple of weeks, read on because it's a whole lot easier to do than you may think. The first step of course is to create a product. Find a product idea that provides tons of value that people will pay for. Go ahead and buy products that might be similar so you can see what's out there, and also as research for your own product. If you feel you have no expertise, find someone who does and ask to do a case study on something they do really well that customers would like to learn. Once you've got your product, ask yourself what the natural extension of that product might be. For example, if your product teaches how to get 1000 subscribers in 10 days, you might want to create a second product on how to write emails that convert really well. This is going to be your one time offer, also known as your upsell. If you don't have an OTO, you're leaving a lot of money on the table and also depriving your new customers of the chance to maximize what you're teaching in your product. Now that you have your product and your OTO, it's time to decide where you're going to sell them. If this is one of your first products, you might want to go with the Warrior Forum since they already have established traffic and affiliates. You can also use JVZoo as your affiliate platform and still list your product on the Warrior Forum if you like. In either case (Warrior or JVZoo) you'll be able to pay your affiliates instantly and you'll have access to a lot of affiliates who might promote your product. Be sure to create an affiliate page where they can get more information on your product and your OTO. Provide email swipes, a link to request to be an affiliate, an opt-in form so you can keep them up to date on the launch, etc. If you are having an affiliate contest, place the details on this page. I also recommend offering a free copy of your product to potential affiliates. And when you send the copies out, tell them their opinion is important to you and that you'd be grateful if they do a review. By giving away copies to affiliates you will kick in the law of reciprocity - some of the affiliates will feel an obligation to review your product, promote your product or both. Remember, with affiliates it's all about the numbers. 20% of your affiliates will produce 80% of your sales. In fact, often times the numbers are closer to 90/10. But you never know which ones fall into the 10=20% group. A small affiliate may promote your product heavily and rack up sales, while a big affiliate may never promote your product at all. Now it's time to begin recruiting affiliates. And yes, it could happen that you have a killer product and sales letter that recruits affiliates all on its own without any help from you. It does happen. But it's a much better idea to recruit your affiliates rather than depending on the "build it and they will come" philosophy. So the first thing to do is list your launch on the launch announcement boards.





Next, join Facebook Groups and Google+ Circles centered around WSO's and product launches. The key here is to network, not promote, and in fact you can start doing this before you even create your product. Interact with group members, make friends, ask them what they're working on, etc. When they ask what you're doing, THEN you can tell them about your upcoming launch. Do some research on JVZoo and the Warrior Forum for other product sellers in your niche. For example, if your niche is offline marketing, then find all those product sellers who have sold an offline marketing product that is not in direct competition with yours. You can search by keyword to find these sellers. Send them private messages talking to them about their product. Then offer them a free copy of your product and let them know you would be excited to help them in any way possible to promote it. Offer high commissions on the front end - 75-100% commission, and at least 50% commission on the back end. Anything less will not attract the high number of affiliates you're looking for. KEY SECRET: You do NOT need to be a major player on the Warrior Forum to get sales. There is a myth that says you need a high post count and lots of quality posts to have a successful WSO. This is NOT TRUE. However, what you do need is credibility. Build it into everything you do, from your product to your sales letter to communicating with affiliates and customers. If you've got proven results from what you're teaching, show them. If you've got credentials and experience, outline it. Whatever it is that makes you the expert, use it. This includes testimonials. And if your product is a case study on someone else, then use their credibility. One more thing you need to get sales on the Warrior Forum is affiliates with credibility. These days customers will listen more to the affiliate than they will to the WSO seller. You'll notice that throughout this entire process you never did anything difficult. None of this takes major skills or training - it just takes getting it done. If you're shy about approaching others, remember that it takes guts to do anything worthwhile. Remember, too, that many others have done this before you and succeeded - and you can do it as well.

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