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What Are Private Label Rights Products?

Private Label Rights are defined as:

"Content, particularly articles, eBooks and reports written by a third party and made available for several purchasers to buy and use. These products can be used as-is or edited as the purchaser desires - within the guidelines of the PLR creator/provider. Guidelines for use differ with each product or package."

Every Private Label Rights provider has specific terms of use policies on their websites or licenses in their product packs. Some PLR providers do not allow subscribers to resell the content at all (do not grant "master rights"). Some allow the content to be resold, but do not allow the purchaser to claim authorship or to claim copyright to the work.

Most Private Label providers, however, allow subscribers to do whatever they wish with their PLR content which has been purchased with very few, if any, limitations. When articles, eBooks or reports are purchased from a Private Label Rights provider (usually through monthly subscriptions), the purchasers (subscribers) may:

  • Change the title of the work

  • Edit the content of the work (add to it, take from it, revise it)

  • Add affiliate links

  • Claim authorship of the work

  • Submit the work to article banks or E-Book repositories

  • Use the work as free bonuses

  • Use the work as website content

  • Resell the work

  • Copyright the work

Internet business owners know very well that the phrase, 'Content Is King' is a true statement and it is one that website owners must take to heart if they are to succeed in the Internet business world. Website content must be constantly changed, improved, renewed and updated. You don't just build a website and be done with it.

For this reason, website owners often buy Private Label Rights articles, eBooks and reports. They will simply change the titles, add a few of their own key words (for search engine spider attraction), and post the Private Label Rights works on their own websites (often with embedded affiliate links) or provide them as free downloads for their website visitors or subscribers.

Some very successful internet businesses are built on nothing more than Private Label Rights purchases. Private Label Rights articles, eBooks and reports can be used as raw materials by clever cyber entrepreneurs who combine them to create totally unique and more expensive packages. Many redo the graphics and sales letters of the original products to make them their own. Some take the eBooks and break them down into smaller reports and articles that they use to build their lists. There are endless uses for PLR content.

Not all private label products come complete with sales letters and graphics, but most of the quality products do. Most are in word doc format, so editing is simple to do. Articles are usually in txt. format. Of course, it is up to you as to whether you want to edit the content, but it is highly advisable that you do so. This is especially true if you are going to be using the PLR content on websites or posting it to any article directories, where you can be penalized for duplicate content by the search engines.

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