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Foundation for Nutritional Health Before Disease Sets In

Foundation for Nutritional Health Before Disease Sets In

When you’re ready to adopt a lifestyle change where you’re using food to fuel and heal your body instead of for comfort, it means you have to look at what’s going in, what needs to be eliminated, and what you can add for better health.


There are two steps to this process. First, get rid of the foods that are damaging our body from a cellular level. Second, start feeding yourself foods that help boost your body’s ability to survive and thrive.


Weeding Out Foods That Are Toxic to Your Body


We live in a culture where ingredients are added into our meals and processed foods in a way where we’re rarely, if ever, aware of them. Sometimes we’ve just been raised to turn to certain foods for comfort, so we don’t view a doughnut (for example) as a toxin, but as something that brings us pleasure.


MSG is known as monosodium glutamate. You regularly find it in Chinese food, but it’s also found in processed meats that you eat, as well as some canned foods like soups and vegetables.


This is an additive to food that can create a toxic reaction in your body, such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, chest pain and more. Not everyone has a bad reaction, but even if you feel mild discomfort after eating MSG, it’s best to get rid of it in your diet.


Salt is an ingredient that can damage your health. We’re routinely adding extra salt to our food sources, and this isn’t necessary. Almost all foods (even sweet ones) have salt in them.


The guidelines say that if you’re 50 or under, you should limit your salt intake to 2,300 milligrams per day. If you’re older than 50, you should slash it almost in half – to 1,500 milligrams per day.


You should never stop using salt completely – because you’ll suffer from negative side effects just as you do when you’re consuming too much salt. You need just the right balance.


Sugar isn’t just found in sweets. It’s hidden in many seemingly healthy foods, such as low-fat and light foods. Even some foods labeled whole grain are packed with grams of sugar – so you have to be vigilant about what you consume.


It’s been reported that Americans typically eat 3 pounds of sugar per person per week. How does it affect your health? Not only does it damage your immune system, but it also feeds cancer cells, contributes to obesity (and diabetes), and boosts your risk for heart disease.


Gluten is one ingredient that many people have a negative health reaction to. While many health plans tout grains as a main staple of your meal plans, gluten is found in grains – and it can cause you to have allergic reactions that complicate your health.


Embrace a Basic Health-Driven Nutritional Plan


Unless you’re already suffering from a major medical disease, then you should strive for a healthy, Mediterranean-style diet. This type of diet feeds your body the foods it needs to protect your organs and overall health.


It’s based on a heart-healthy idea, but if you’re following this type of nutritional regimen, you’ll be helping other parts of your body as well. A Mediterranean diet consists of:


·         Fruits

·         Vegetables

·         Whole Grains

·         Nuts

·         Olive Oil

·         Seeds

·         Legumes

·         Beans

·         Herbs and Spices


You should eat healthy fish a couple of times a week, dairy and poultry periodically, and red meat and sugary foods infrequently. While whole grains are a main part of this eating style, that doesn’t mean you have to eat gluten-heavy grains. You can eat gluten-free grains like corn, quinoa, wild rice, millet, and buckwheat. 


Sometimes disease has already hit your life. Next, let’s look at five common health issues and how your nutrition plan can assist you in treating or curing them.

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