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Book Publishing

Your Fast Track Guide to Writing and Launching Your Best Selling Book!

Want to write a book, but not sure where to start? Learn how to plan and launch your book in just 4 weeks.

Writing and publishing a book can give you huge exposure and help you establish expertise and authority in your market when done right.


When it comes to creating and launching your book, it may be tempting to just dive into the world of writing and publishing. But this can leave you feeling scattered, uncertain of your message, and overwhelmed by your to-do list. This is why so many people give up and books go unpublished.


Planning is the answer and that's exactly what this report and accompanying worksheets will help you do every step of the way. When you have a plan in place for how you'll write, publish and market your book, the process is much more enjoyable and achievable.


Here is a small taste of what you will learn:


  •   Making a plan for writing and launching your book

  •   Breaking down the writing process into achievable tasks to fight overwhelm

  •   Evaluating the many options you have for publishing your book to get it out there

  •   Effective promotional tactics to market your book and get the exposure it needs to sell

This content does not come with rights. It is for your personal use, so you can get a feel for the type of information we provide, and also hopefully learn something new and interesting each time you visit our site. All the reports shown below are offered in PDF format. Simply click on the image covers to view them online or right click to download them to your computer. Enjoy!

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