The beauty of our PLR Profit Packs and Portfolios is that they are ready-to-go virtual sale packets just as they are. But, if you really want to get the most VALUE out of all the content they contain, the ideas below should ignite your brain.
Post content to your website or personal blog
Break up eBooks and reports into essays and/or articles
Combine articles and essays to form eBooks or reports
Add the content to a membership site
“Niche-ify” the content, making it hyper-targeted to a sub-niche
Split up articles and combine with photos into PowerPoint Presentations
Tease Prospects with a sample chapter, promote paid version on site
Create a print-on-demand book using a service like Lulu
Create a web-based e-course or mini-membership site
Package the content as a complete home study course
Incorporate the content as part of other products
Develop a companion worksheet, checklist, spreadsheet or cheat sheet
Create and sell a training guide to corporations or small businesses
Create a coffee table book with inspiring images using PLR images
Hold a paid teleseminar training series based on content
16. Get your teleseminar transcribed, then sell it as an eBook or course
17. Create a “how-to” video course with snippets from the materials and PLR graphics
18. Post samples of the video on YouTube to promote the course or your site
19. Program an email autoresponder (i.e.Aweber) as an automated email coaching program
20. Use PLR pictorials to create on-demand physical products like t-shirts, mugs, magnets and other items with CafePress, ArtsNow or Lulu.
21. Create prints or posters with online printing services that you can sell on-demand without inventory
22. Create attractive t-shirts and badges with graphics and sell them
23. Use PLR affirmations, quotes, and snippets from the materials to create coasters, business cards, or post-it notes with your contact details
24. Record the article text as an MP3 audio book and sell the recording
25. Rent a booth at a trade show and sell the physical products you created
using the content
26. Create videos with the PowerPoint presentations and audio content on CD or DVD
27. Offer digital versions of some content as an upsell on a branded USB key.
28. Produce illustrations, comics and art work based on the content, use service like Befunky.
29. Develop tiered packages or memberships that offer different content for the different tiers
30. Develop a “Dummies” type guide for different niches
31. Create full fledged websites and flip them for profit
32. Record audio book version of content and sell it on the iTunes and Amazon stores
33. Develop flash cards for students or parents
34. Create greeting cards with the PLR graphics, quotes or art work.
35. Create a weekly podcast that is distributed on the iTunes store
36. Produce short screencasts or PowerPoint videos and publish the video across the web using
TubeMogul or TrafficGeyser
37. Use the material for a BlogTalkRadio internet radio show
38. Create step by step video tutorials using Jing or Camtasia.
39. Develop an iPhone app with content
40. Develop a Facebook application
41. Create a slideshow and share it on Slideshare
42. Create pamphlets and brochures advertising your products and services
43. Create a FAQ, Q&A, or informational “how-to” page based on the material
44. Translate the content into other languages to capture international visitors
45. Spin articles into a “Top 10” lists
46. Tweak the content so it’s relevant to current events or celebrity stories
47. Use the material as a promotional tool for your affiliates. If it’s a PDF, use ViralPDF to allow affiliates to custom brand their affiliate link in the PDF.
48. Answer questions on discussion forums using the content as a basis
49. Start new “feeder” websites and blogs dedicated to specific niches and
affiliate products that link back to your “money” pages.
50. Use the material to create Adsense sites
51. Use the content to create Squidoo Lenses
52. Use the content to Create Hub Pages
53. Publish reports and essays on Scribd.com
54. Combine reports and essays into a Kindle eBook
55. Turn eBook into a Publish on Demand Paperback and promote through Lulu oe CreateSpace
56. Compile word docs into PDFs with with your affiliate links embedded. Submit to Scribd.
57. Snip the content and post the short blurbs on Twitter
58. Create a “what to look for...” buyer’s guide to help people make buying decisions.
59. Rewrite the content from the perspective of your child, dog, parrot, or mother – if it’s funny enough, it may go viral!
60. Send snippets of content as an email tip to encourage customers to return to your website
61. Give away a “free report” to boost the size of your mailing list.
62. Use the content as a free giveaway for your long-time customers
63. Use the material as an unannounced bonus for buying your products
64. Create a Wiki to encourage your visitors to collaborate and contribute to your vision. Use a free service like WetPaint.
65. Use the content in your in-person workshops and seminars
66. Use the content as a topic of conversation for coaching calls
67. Send out a printed newsletter to your clients using the materials
68. Print out the professionally designed materials and include it when you ship physical products
69. Create viral quizzes with the content to test your audience’s knowledge
70. Make attractive promotional bookmarks to surprise buyers with purchase of your physical products and books
71. Create a business card tip sheet with your contact information on one side
72. Tweak some article and submit them on other blogs as a guest posts