Turn The Profit Corner Series

The 24 Hour Product Creation Guide
Most people know the basic steps of building a list. But very few know how to take these steps in a way that produces great results. That's what this guide does for you.
Inside this eye-opening guide you'll discover the three-step process for building a big, responsive list, including:
Creating an irresistible lead magnet that attract prospects AND generates sales on the backend. This is your key to both list growth and profits!
Capturing the opt-in, which is all about creating a high-response lead page. This is one of the keys to building a big list!
Choosing a targeted traffic source and getting as many eager prospects in front of your lead page as possible. You'll learn about 13 good ways to drive traffic to your lead page!
Guides Included In Turn The Profit Corner Series

These Step By Step Business Building Guides Are Approximately 3,200 Words Each (12 - 14 Pages) Giving You Over 72 Pages Of Highly-Detailed Content For Building Your Business!
You Also Get a Cheat Sheet To Go Along With Each Of These Six Profitable Business Guides! These cheat sheets condense each guide into its most important points, tips and steps. That means you can print them out and have them handy to remind yourself of what to do next just by glancing them.
What You Get:
6 Info Packed Blueprint Guides - No fluff, no filler. Just informative, useful information.
6 Infographic Cheat Sheets - You can view the contents above.
Products in .DOC, .PDF and .HTML format
Graphics in .PSD and .PNG format
Professionally Authored Sales letter
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Turn the profit corner in your own business and then use this high value, high quality content to help others do the same. You can edit, brand, publish and profit from it all. To purchase, click the link below. You will be instantly re-directed to a download page for ALL Six Guides and Cheat Sheets in this series.